Dear Pomping,
I know that we had a fun run. We have had our fair share of long nights, tears, and laughs. Remember that time that I dropped all of my pomps all over the ground and proceeded to cry for 15 minutes before I picked them up? I do. Remember the time that I spent a Saturday night pomping because life was just really stressful and it seemed like a good idea? I do. Remember that time somebody offered to eat pomping glue in exchange for hours? I do. Regardless of my decisions made in the pomping room, I know that there were many memories made. We have created such tight relationships and became so close to people that we have met pomping. We have learned that our bodies don't actually require that much sleep to function somewhat properly. We have found a deep appreciation for pomping parties. We have learned that getting screens with only two or three colors are a complete blessing. We have learned not to eat the pomps, although we still aren't sure why anybody would.The scars on my legs from the chicken wire may fade, but the memories will not. So Pomping, I just want to thank you, because you've made me that much stronger.
We know that the end result is worth it. All of our hard earned hours that were not spent watching Netflix were completely worth it. We know that we are creating a deck that people will come into town for walkarounds and admire all of the efforts that we have put in. We know that our alumni will be proud of our efforts. We know that future Cowboys will look up to our decks in hopes that some day they can participate in America's Greatest Homecoming.
Saying this, I'm breaking up with you. I know that it has been a good time and it was really fun while it lasted... but I'm afraid that I need a break. My body cannot take this stress anymore, and I think that I'm better off without you for a bit. It's not that I don't love you dearly because I truly do. I gave you my all, and I cannot wait to try this again next fall, but I'm going to have to separate us for the time being. It's not you, it's me.