To My Dearest Fitbit,
It’s been quite the ride. When I received you one year ago, I couldn’t have imagined that we would be as close as we are now. You have given me motivation, hope, an encouragement. You’ve been there through the highs and lows; I could not be more grateful. I guess I should get to my point for this letter, and it might catch you off-guard, but…I’m breaking up with you.
I know it’s hard to hear this through the Internet, and you’re probably thinking this is just another open letter to something that doesn’t matter. You deserve more than that. You deserve an explanation worth a thousand words, but not actually a thousand words because I’m a college student and we all know I don’t have time to write a thousand words. Here’s the cold, hard truth: there’s someone else.
You see, I didn’t even expect it to end this quickly or this suddenly. I knew it was inevitable, because bracelets don’t usually last very long, but it happened. It technically wasn’t even my fault, either. It was my family’s fault. They caused the breakup and they’ll take the blame.
They got me an Apple Watch for my birthday. I was absolutely surprised and could not believe it. I’ll even tell you that for a week, I wore both my Apple Watch and my Fitbit because I had pity in my heart. People teased me and asked, “Do you even technology?” And suddenly it just became too much.
The Apple Watch is just so damn cool compared to my Fitbit Charge. I can look at Instagram and Twitter, I can text people, and even talk on the phone. Texting on my watch is so much more discreet than texting on my phone. My professors probably don’t even notice (sorry, Mom and Dad).
Please just know that you meant so much to me for a year. You celebrated when I hit 10,000 steps and told me to keep reaching towards my goal. You let me know when I wasn’t sleeping well, and recently began reminding me to go to bed at 12:18 AM every night on the dot. I really did love you. We had a good run.
An Apple Watch Fanatic