You know what they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" — well, when in college, do as the students do.
Don’t worry, this isn’t one of those "open letters to high school seniors" or "a letter to my freshman self" or "a cliché list"... Well, actually it might be a cliché list, but who cares, I have Senioritis. Last week, I registered for my final semester of college. The last semester where I am allowed to act like a total college kid and pretend like I have no responsibilities before the floodgate of real jobs, bills and loans to pay off nearly drowns me. I never thought it would happen, I thought I’d live in the little college bubble of denial forever. You know, the college bubble? Where things are only acceptable in college, but not the real world.
Speaking of the college bubble — I am currently writing this at my university library while wearing socks and sandals, an extra large T-shirt, Nike running shorts and sipping a coffee — the definition of what my generation calls basic. However, my point is that I’m in college and I don’t care how I look right now at the library because I’m not trying to impress anybody, and the guy next to me is feeling the exact same way, because we didn’t come to the library for social hour and to look — we came to get things done and be comfortable while doing so. But would this be acceptable in the real world? I don’t think so.
I’m pretty sure my parents have had their fair share of doubts about what I am doing with my life, especially when they see my posts on socially media. Don't worry mom and dad, I always wonder what I'm doing with my life. However, here is that answer as to why I went out on a Tuesday night. First off, this is college and it is totally acceptable to go out on any night of the week. Also, I had this really, really, really hard exam that I pulled an all-nighter for, so I am rewarding myself regardless if I passed or failed my test, because I deserve it. I also used a margarita as incentive to get through that brutal all-nighter. See what we have to go through at times? The struggle is real. So, the clock is ticking; it's almost the stroke of midnight and even though college has been one of the best relationships ever, it is time to move on and be a young professional.
But first, here is some in-depth insight of what goes on inside our college bubble:
1. We have our own lingo.
You: I got too turnt last night, and I have a test in an hour. I literally can’t right now. I’m struggling.
Me: Same. So Same. Actually mood. Actually me right now, currently.
You: I can’t hang.
Me: Same. So same.*
*Same is actually the word we use for everything now.
You: I’m dying.
Me: Same.
You: I’m single af*
*The term "af" is derived from two words, one meaning "as," the other word is a tad bit obscene.
Me: Same.
You: I need a marg.
Me: Same.
You: I'm poor
Me: Same. But are we still down for margs?
You: Yeah, I'm down.
2. The struggle of waking up for classes. Just 10 more minutes, please. Then strategically figuring out how to push it to the limit by sleeping in as late as possible without being late to class.
*Note please don't plan on talking to me in the early mornings. I am not a morning person.
But wait — I thought it was acceptable to show up to class late just because I went to get a coffee?
3. Coffee is a life saver. Thank you, based nectar of the gods. You are awesome.
When you're over the semester, but you still have a lot of things to do. It's that time of year, y'all, it's the pivotal moment when the end is near, but it feels so far away. Just one more episode of Netflix, then I'll get my life together.
4. You say that you need to get your life together practically every day. But something comes in the way between you and your life falling into place.
5. There's the constant struggle of not wearing real clothes because in the real world we have to wear real clothes everyday. I might have worn the same shirt yesterday, but its okay because only people that I have for Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes saw it. Not the Tuesday, Thursday group. It’s a different demographic of people.
6. We struggle with food — I don't want to cook, and even if I did, I still don't have money for groceries. So now, I have to choose between cheap fast food, Easy Mac, Hot Pockets, leftovers or Ramen. No worries though, wine or beer works well with all of these gourmet dishes.
Chips and Salsa is your go-to, especially with a margarita.
8. Naps are usually the solution to your problems — until you wake up.
You know you have class in the morning, but temptation is there and temptation usually wins.
10. We have mastered the art of testing the limits.
11. We also master in the art of budgeting.
Yet, somehow we still manage to have nothing in our bank accounts.
12. We know how to use our time, wisely:
13. You are delirious like 90 percent of the time especially when finals time rolls around. Oh, I’m sorry the only thing that I heard come out of your mouth was "margarita."
15. Just don't ask us about our school lives.
So from this, you learned that in our bubble, college kids sleep, drink and (mostly) eat — and in between sleeping, drinking and sometimes eating, we do our work, while we are trying to get our lives together.
But now it is time to leave that bubble, and it is almost time to be a responsible adult.
So college, I am breaking up with you — soon.