Dear Writer's Block, here are seven things I need you to know.
1. It's time to let you go.
The two of us have been together for a while now, longer than I can remember. And in that time, you've been nothing but terrible to me. You've stolen my inspiration and kept my creativity locked away. I used to love writing, but you've made it much too difficult, so it's time to let you go
2. It's not me, it's definitely you.
I'll admit, it has been fun to have someone to procrastinate with but the fun doesn't last forever. The fun has now been replaced with stress and anxiety at the thought of having to simply write. What am I supposed to do in the meantime with you hovering over my shoulder, following me like a dark cloud?
3. You've kinda ruined my life.Â
You took away my drive, my productivity. Having you in my life meant sitting in front of my laptop, endlessly scrolling through my phone, waiting for you to move out of the way, for inspiration to strike. You have kept me isolated, dear friend, keeping me in and keeping me up.
4. You haven't been all bad, though.
And yet it is still hard to shake you. I have become used to your presence all day long, looking to you when I needed someone to blame for my inability to create. You were a good scapegoat and an easy excuse, so I thank you for that.
5. No new friends.
I'm still not completely sure why you chose me, though. Did I get a little lazy and you saw that as an opening or did you just decide to prey on the weak? You sunk your claw into and made procrastination and fear my new best friends. I didn't invite them but you brought them along anyway. And if you could pass the message along... I don't want to hang out with them anymore either.
6. You're making this harder than it needs to be.
You'll be pleased to know that I had to take a break in even writing this, due to the fact that you're still trying to plague every word. Ironic, isn't it? I can tell that you're threatened by the fact that I'm fed up with you so you're clinging to me even harder.
7. Maybe you're right.
But at this point... maybe I should just let you hang out a little bit longer.