Hi, I'm a sorority girl.
You don't know me but you might have your mind made up about me. Let me guess what you are thinking:
I am a slut.
I am rich.
I am stupid.
I pay for my friends.
There are so many stereotypes about me only because of the letters I wear. But these things aren't one bit true. I work so hard to be where I am today. I take 16 hours of classes a week, work two jobs, balance clubs and sorority. I don't drink much at all...I actually prefer a night watching Netflix. I don't sleep around because I've found someone for me 2 years ago. I don't consider myself wealthy at all. I don't walk to class with hair done and wedges. You'll see me with sweats, extra messy bun, and letters.
My sisters and I don't do what you think we do. No, we don't go out a drink every night. No, we are all not spoiled rich girls. No, we don't fail our classes. My sisters encourage me to go to the library, participate in campus activities, and so much more. We volunteer for many organizations, require to meet a GPA requirement, and have many standards to meet. The dues I pay aren't to keep my friends. They are in place so I can do amazing and fun things with my friends. After finding my home I can't imagine life without my sisters with me.
So, please know that I am not what you think I am. I am a person who loves the greek community and the benefits it brings to me. The confidence it gave me, networking it brought to my life, and sisters for a lifetime. Also, before you judge me, look deeper than just my letters.