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Breaking, Raking, Shaking

A news-wire covering breaking news, financial news, and interesting stories too.

Breaking, Raking, Shaking
diggertomsen from flickr

School's out for summer, but not forever. Let's get caught up on some stories I found really fascinating this week.

Over 60 killed in protests near the Israel and Palestine border(developing):

The arrival of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem has been debated for decades and now that it's officially there, (no less on the anniversary of Israel's independence) Palestinians have come out to protest. According to the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner among those killed were women, children, journalists, first responders, and bystanders. Israeli Defense Forces estimated 40,000 protestors were at the protest. Israel military forces air-dropped leaflets warning protestors to stay away from the eastern border of the Gaza strip near the security fence.

The use of live ammunition and force is being called into question as to whether or not that was the best course of action for the protest. I have a feeling this will continue to develop in the future weeks. Rupert Colville, spokesperson for the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights condemned the "appalling, and deadly violence".

Social Security Secrets: Some information on SS.

Although I'm quite far from being anywhere near retirement age I found this article on some basic information about Social Security to be very fascinating. This article covers topics like when you can receive your full benefit depending on the year you were born, what spousal benefits can tell you about your experience, and other curious odds and ends most people don't know about Social Security.

A new think-tank suggests combining Medicare and the ACA: a revolutionary idea on Healthcare?

The plan is called "The Healthy America" plan, and it's being lauded by those from the left-of-center think-tank "The Urban Institute". Their proposal doesn't suggest we change our market to a system focused on healthcare for all. Instead this plan suggests we offer public options with private plans by creating a new market. It would cover children, and the disabled the same, and it would provide more cost coverage for those on the Affordable Care Act. Among other policies on the plan, it would cover Low-income people if they were found to be uninsured, and also keep the pre-existing condition prohibition ban from the ACA.

Department of State lifts hiring freeze: A change in the air for foreign policy?

New Secretary of State, and former CIA director Mike Pompeo has lifted the hiring freeze at the State Department of the United States. This is a shift from the former policies of former Sec. of State Rex Tillerson. This shift may be a sign that the United States is making a change in how it approaches foreign policy, or it could signify Pompeo gaining favor with the President.

Supreme Court strikes down law banning gambling on Sports

The New Jersey law prohibiting gambling on sports has been struck down by the highest court in the United States. This could open up gambling on sports more throughout the nation, and will help increase growth in a burgeoning industry.

Africa's Free Trade Future: A story in the works

African nations have started signing a new free trade agreement in Africa aiming to eliminate 90% of tariffs within the continent for commercial trade.Talks started in 2015 to establish what the nations are attempting to call the "African Continental Free Trade Area". If successful in the negotiations, the continent could see its GDP grow to $3 Trillion making it one of the larger economies in the world, comparative to Germany.

In other news...

Elon Musk shares video of Tesla pulling Jet

This is pretty neat! Who says Electric cars don't have torque?

Tenacious D announce tour, and new album

Ever since the pick of destiny, many of our lives have felt the impact of Tenacious D. Their music serenades the heart, and solidifies the soul. With the recent announcement of a new tour, and a new album it's hard to contain the joy resonating from myself. With it being their first album in six years, i'm sure there are plenty of others prepared for the LP later this year.

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