It's been said a time or two that "everything happens for a reason." And while I'm sure that right now you're probably thinking to yourself, "Really...? THAT is how this girl decided to start her article about Rush? What a waste of my sweet precious time this article must be. I'm going to X out of this right now!" Don't lose hope yet!! You saw the headline for this and most likely clicked on it for one of two reasons:
#1. You're my friend and I told you to go read it :), OR
#2. You thought maybe just MAYBE you had finally found the key to actually giving your brain a break about going through recruitment!
Well, regardless of which number applies here I have some pretty good news for you, reader. This IS in fact the article of your wildest dreams!! Congrats!!! Yes, I know, the whole "everything happens for a reason" thing is cheesy. As Chandler Bing would probably say, "Could she BE any more cliché right now?" But I have no shame, and here's why: People put so much pressure on going through rush and being in a sorority. They will tell you that this is the biggest decision of your life and that making the wrong choice or messing something up will ruin your college experience. I know that Rush can be scary to think about at times— especially when your mom, your mom's friend, your friend's mom, your friend's mom's friend, or anyone else who has the chance tries to talk you into believing it. But guess what?? You must listen when I tell you that although Rush is DEFINITELY very exciting, none of those other things have to be true! The Recruitment process is supposed to be fun, but it only will be if you make it fun for yourself. So don't listen to other people. It is what YOU (and only you) make of it. There are so many ways to take advantage of this week and to enjoy it, rather than dread it. Here are just a few I find to be the most important:
#1. Planning What to Wear: Think Comfortable!
This cannot be stressed enough. It is so important to feel as confident as possible during Rush Week. Part of being confident is feeling comfortable enough to be yourself when you're talking to people. If you go into a round wearing an outfit that doesn't make you feel like you could stand up and do a backflip or something, you won't have as much fun— GUARANTEED.
*Important side note: nine times out of 10 you will be provided a tee shirt to wear for at least one round, which is basically Panhellenic's way of saying that those days are NOT about what you wear!! So don't feel like you have to find the perfect shorts, wedges, sandals, accessories, etc. for these days because you don't. Personally, I wore Nike shorts and tennis shoes and to this day, #noregrets about it.
#2. Remember How Awesome You Are!
Like I said before, it's all about confidence. The unspoken truth about going through Recruitment is that it NEVER turns out the way you expect it to. Getting from Point A (Day 1) to Point B (Bid Day) is a complete rollercoaster. Now you might be sitting there behind that little phone or laptop screen of yours thinking to yourself, "This 'Maddy' girl is a clueless loser! I know exactly what is going to happen during rush! I am a smart woman, full of wisdom and complete knowledge of all things! Go me!" However, although yes you are likely a very smart and wise gal, you really do not know how your rush week is going to turn out... and that's OK! REGARDLESS of what happens, it is crucial to keep reminding yourself of how fabulous and beautiful and majestic you are, and that any sorority would be beyond lucky to have you!!!! Going in with this kind of confidence will make rush week the fun experience that it's supposed to be!
#3. Watch Videos. I Repeat: WATCH VIDEOS!!
This last one is definitely more of a personal favorite past-time of mine, but will get you PUMPED. Like I said, Recruitment is supposed to be a fun experience. However, I'm not oblivious to the fact that it can be stressful too. That being said, there is no easier/more fun way to remind yourself of how worth it this whole thing is than binge-watching Recruitment videos. Plus, people work really hard on making those and the whole point of them is for YOU, sweet Potential New Member, to watch them!!!
Speaking of videos— my chapter, Delta Gamma at Ole Miss, just released this sick recruitment video created by Artec Media! Check it out here. Months were spent working on making it the absolute best it could be, and we were SO lucky to have some outside help in doing so!!! Caroline Tannehill, DG's Director of Recruitment noted that "making our Recruitment Video was so much fun!! It really brought our chapter together." Focus on the outcome. You have come so far. You have waited so, so very long. Just think! You will FINALLY be able to change all your Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and bios! These videos are a taste of what that feels like -- the videos ARE the outcome! So right now, take a break from reading this, go on YouTube and watch it. Then try to tell me it didn't make you excited again.
While technically I can only speak from the perspective of one chapter, I am very confident that all of these points can go without saying for the others as well. So relax! Because regardless of where you end up on Bid Day, you will love every second of everything about it. It's going to be fun. You will make friends. You will do great things. I PROMISE. My final message is, in the wise words of the background song of Ole Miss DG's video, You got it!