Hi, readers! It has been a while since I have posted on my blog page and was feeling a refresher was needed.
Throughout life we will go through many different situations, challenges, circumstances and events. When humans go through these challenges, we often perceive them as change. We either let these challenges make us better, or make us fall apart. There is little to no grey area in these matters, as we typically view these situations in a “strive or fail” type of way. We neglect to not let these situations change us and change who we are inside. We see them as “sink” or “swim”.
For a lack of better words, humans often lack the strength it requires to not let something change you as a person in a negative way.
For example, a close friend of mine once told me: “Your friends do not deserve the lesser side of you because you are going through something else”. This does eliminate certain situations including family problems, death, etc.; but once another person begins negatively affecting you, it starts to affect all aspects of your life, including your friendships. Love you, Katie, you are truly my rock.
Once Katie opened my eyes to this way of thinking, I did a deep dive into situations and the effect they have on our emotions.
I would describe myself as a big hearted, loving, compassionate and kind individual. Someone who knows her soul inside and out, and feels every emotion to her core. I give and expect nothing back, I find time for the ones who love me and am hyper aware of others emotions around me. I care more about the well-being of others than myself.
Now, take all of those qualities and eliminate them.
This is the possible impact that situations can have on us as humans.
When I thought about this in depth, I felt, in a way, selfish. That I was more focused on what I was going through, that I completely ignored everyone else around me.
Why after a situation or event, would I let my light die? Why would I become quiet to my friends? Why would I not give out the endless love that I still have based on a situation that impacted me in a negative way? Because, that is the easy way. This is where many people lose sight of who they are, because breaking free is hard, not easy.
Now, I am not ignoring depression and/or other mental illnesses/addictions, but I am focusing solely on the inner strength it requires to carry on after a challenging situation and how we treat others around us due to the pain we are feeling inside.
One of my best friends in the world, Denise, is one of the most compassionate, loving and giving individuals I have ever met. The true definition of a “I would give the shirt off of my back for you” type of person. She reminds me a lot of myself, the love we have for others is endless. Our souls are nearly the same, if not identical.
I used my friend Denise as an example because she shows me how to not let negative situations and challenges change who you are as a person. Even after we are beaten down, ridiculed, hurt and may feel: “forever changed”, we still must stay true to ourselves and continue to give- even if we receive nothing in return.
I have no regrets in my life. Even after I gave my all to others, loved with no reciprocation and was vulnerable in times I shouldn’t have been- this is still who I am as a person and that will never change. My core will always be my core, I strive to see everyday as another chance and to not let events that have happened in my life change me in a negative way. I am 25 years old and have faced a lot, which aged my soul quite rapidly; but, I am sure there will be more hardships to face and I will still continue to be me.
For those who feel they will forever be negatively impacted from challenges, I am here to tell you- find your power and strength. You do not need to sit and dwell on events that have hurt you, people who have betrayed you and actions that broke you. Rediscover yourself and your core, never let another human being take that away from you.
Continue to be the good person you are inside, to give back to others, to be a good friend and most importantly, continue to water yourself.
Never let your amazing qualities vanish or be eliminated from an event. Stay true to who you are, and above all, choose love.
Love Always,