Growing up, the way children interact with their parents depends on how they were raised. Everyone grows up in a different environment, everyone has been built on a different foundation than others. In society today, it is very difficult to break that boundary in the household. Parents and children have set up this imaginary wall between one another where a child believes they cannot tell their parents certain things, but also a parent who doesn't allow their children to have that freedom to ask those questions that they are confused about and not being able to speak freely about certain things with them.
As the parent and the children grow, roles are distributed. Of course the parent becomes the caregiver and the provider and the child takes on the role as the learner. The role of parents is to provide for the family; make sure there is food on the table, keeping a roof over their children's head, and keeping clothes on their back. But also, to provide their children with the necessary care and love that their children can carry outside of their home and into the world. There is a separation between parents and their children that keep them from having a friendship inside their already existing relationship. With this separation it keeps children from being able to feel as if they can go to their parents regarding certain topics, such as sex, religion, and dating.
When children feel as if they cannot come to their parents in regard to events going on in their life, they seek information elsewhere. And usually that elsewhere is from trail and error. Parents need to be able to tear down that invisible veil to allow that relationship to be one-sided. Yes, parents are there to care for the children and the children are there to take note of everything their parents are doing for them so that they can care for themselves and their future families
Every family has some sort of belief. While there are families who believe a sexual relationship should be between married men and women; there are also families who believe you can love whoever you want so long as you are happy. That veil that is up between parents and children need to be accessible to change. They say that a parent should not be their child's friend. But isn't a friend a person you can tell anything to? A person you can rely on and someone to seek refuge in.
It's time to rid those closed relationships of those restrictions allowing families to be open and honest with one another. Over time, things change. Allowing this form of a relationship can help sprout confidence that can shine a light on the path to a stronger future and success.