No matter how long or how short, everyone needs a break from reality sometimes. It's difficult to remain on your toes 24/7 when you just need a minute to sit down and collect your thoughts. Many people depend on you and rely on what you may say or think for advice or even just comfort. That's probably one of the best aspects of life, knowing that someone can be there for you in the same way that you are there from them. That mutual understanding and compassion are what makes most people able to stand on their feet appropriately and take on any task that could come their way. With those difficult days, comes the sunnier ones, but it all definitely does become overwhelming sometimes!
We all need a break, and even if it's just an hour you need to take care of yourself to make sure that you will be okay and not answer to anyone. You need time for YOU and only YOU, and that's okay to take time and step away from everything that may be causing you stress. It's not only our job to make other people happy and live the life you want to live, but to take a step back every now and then and take care of the one who started it all, yourself. We are so hard on ourselves sometimes, that we forget how much we are accomplishing in such a short day with so many tasks.
There are so many dilemmas that could occur and so many people that you don't want to disappoint which could truly be exhausting. We are so hard on ourselves that we don't even realize that we might just need to step out for a second and take it easy. Life itself is so difficult and we discredit our own strengths as we only see our weaknesses at times. This could cause a spiral of negativity that none of us need as life is constantly moving and we can't just stop when things get hard. A pause is okay, and we all need to take a little pause at times to gather ourselves once again.
Even laying down for a few minutes or taking some time to yourself could instantly boost your mood. Every day brings about a new challenge or task that you need to endure to become the person you aspire to be. The person that you want to be may not be the person that you are today or will be tomorrow, but that person could easily be seen in your near future. Maybe you want to surround yourself with those people or be that person yourself. Keep creating the changes you want to see in the world by immersing those people in your inner circle and letting it start with yourself.
So take a break, think about how you want to live and what you want to do with your life. You don't need to know today or tomorrow, but hold on to your morals and what you value in life. People may surprise you and your break may just change your perception on everything.