When I was growing up, I heard a lot about the much anticipated "birds and the bees" talk. There was so much secret surrounding it, everything was so hushed, and then by the time the actual conversation happened, it was another variation of "This is what happens when a man and a woman love each other very much."
Now, let's fast forward quite a few years later. I'm no longer a little kid, and I am way past having the bird in the bees talk, so why is everyone still so quiet about it?
There is a stigma around sex, that for years we have been trying to break through, and yet for some reason we are still not there. Sure, I understand the religious beliefs around it, and the conservative feelings about it, but what about the rest of us? Sex is not something that should be looked at as dirty or impure. It is a natural occurrence. We were made to do it! We are all a result of it! There should be no reason that two friends can't have an open conversation about it without a bystander looking over with those judging eyes. What exactly are they being judged for? Sex is fun, and not only that but it is great for you! (I mean seriously have you read up on those health benefits lately?)
The world can be shielded from the truth for only so long. There is nothing that we can talk about or do, that you can't go and find online. Please don't look at us funny when we're telling our best friend about how much fun we had, or how different it was! We are in our prime! We are supposed to explore our sexuality and be empowered by it, not made to feel like we did something wrong. We are not bad people, we did not do anything wrong. Learn to talk about it too!
After all, look at the society we're in. Sex is laced into so much more than we think. Sex sells doesn't it? It's in ads, commercials, movies, TV shows, and your social media sites, but yet the second anyone wants to talk about it out loud it becomes a faux pas. The problem with this cycle is the bitter truth that if someone is made to feel ashamed for talking about it, they will not be inclined to talk about it again. You can only imagine how many people that happens to. At that point it makes sense why people shun away from talking about it, but they shouldn't have to!
Together we need to work on eliminating the stigma around sex. Let everybody talk about it openly and without judgement. Don't let anybody feel ashamed or discouraged for wanting to enjoy themselves. Whether you want to talk about it or not, keep your judgments to yourself, everyone will feel more comfortable talking about it then! Together we can achieve this, and it will make the world a happier and more sexually educated place! Shout your experiences with #freethetalk!