Lately my life has been a complete mess. Things have not been going my way whatsoever. My prayers have become consumed with requests such as, "Please, Lord, heal my heart from all of this hurt," and, "If You can just make me feel better, Lord..." Up until a few weeks ago, my life was going so well and all of my prayers were thanking Him for giving me what I needed. It seems common for us, as Christians that live busy lives, to get into a routine where we praise Him when things are going well, and request Him to mend our hearts when they have been broken.
I was scrolling through Pinterest, as I frequently do, and I came upon a little quote that says, "Dear God, help me put aside the things that break my heart, so I can pray about the things that break Yours." Boy, oh boy, how that hit home. I decided to tweet it, and I got almost sixty retweets and one hundred favorites-- compared to my usual 2 or 3 favorites. So, I decided that since it got such a huge response, it is obvious that I am not the only one that feels this way.
I crave so deeply to become the woman God made me to be and to reach my full potential; however, how can I expect to even remotely come close when all of my prayers are seemingly selfish? Well, I am not expert, but I do truly believe that we must start by praying to God to help us let go of these things that break our hearts, for there is not much that can be done about the situations we experience, other than accepting things for how they are. But, if we turn our prayers around and ask God to help us let those go in order for us to see what breaks His heart, then we can get on the right road to become who God created us to be.
We live in a world where it has become a societal norm to be selfish and to guard our hearts so heavily, that we push others away. To be alone and minding your own business is better than putting yourself out there and potentially being hurt. I get it. It's easier to just have the attitude of "live and let live" than it is to voice your opinions on the things you know if your heart are wrong. But think about this-- where would the world be if everyone decided to just stay to themselves? If everyone decided that it is OK for their friends and family to be consumed with sin and heart ache?
Yeah, I know how it is to feel as if you are useless because you are a broke college student, or you just graduated and you are overwhelmed with student debt and haven't been able to land a job yet, but keep in mind that we have the power to change the world. Honestly, we do. It's easy to become discouraged by all of the negativity on our generation, but it does not take millions to start a revelation-- it only takes one.
We, as Christians, are called to go and make disciples of all nations, and to be a light in this dark world. You have the power to make a change, because with God, all things are possible. All you need is the faith of a mustard seed to move a mountain. You have the potential to change the world, but first, we must stop being so selfish, and ask God to break our hearts for what breaks His.