24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year and we possibly live for 70-80 years so what do we do with all that time? We try to find a purpose for ourselves. Once we find our purpose, our passion, we cling to it. For me, writing is my passion. I go every day trying to think of different things to write about, I jot them down on a constant and have multiple 'untitled documents' on my laptop.
As human beings, it is known that we have flaws, one of them being our attention span and determination. Growing up, I have learned that finding out who you take time. It will take an adventure as well as it will be a little frustrating. If you are constantly in focus of what you are doing in life, then you won't be able to take a breath and understand what is around you.
Being a writer, I have learned that I cannot write all of the time. Where would my inspiration come from? They should come from experiences and opinions that I have. When you take a break from something that you love or enjoy and you go off and do other things, you start to remember why you began to love it in the first place. The passion comes back and if it did not, did you really love it?
So I would say, go on adventures, take that cooking class, meet those people. It will become another thing that you will either learn from the regret or embrace from the experience. For me, either will work because then I will just go back and reflect, write about it and share my thoughts with the world. This is not a letter to give up on what you desire, rather a way for us to reflect on what is dear to us and appreciate it even more.
I am not saying that I am taking a break from writing or my photography. What I am saying is that I am reflecting on what I want to be saying as an artist. I want to re-evaluate myself and understand why I did it, to begin with. Did I want my voice to be heard? Did I want to send a message? Maybe I wanted to use both as a way of an outlet for myself. But that is for me to figure out. As one of my favorite musicians, Brian Logan Dales, would say "We are all just trying to be legendary."