In this day and age, is it necessary to block someone from social media or your phone Because honestly, I’ve been trying to find the answer.
Is it necessary to block someone? Or do you just have to learn to be stronger than to not respond when he texts you? Circumstances can definitely change what the right answer is.
But one thing I can say with certainty is that time’s have changed people! You can not escape someone as easily as you did a couple decades ago.
Think about your parents' days.
There were no mobile phones. Heck, if you wanted to meet up with someone, there was a definitive plan to meet up. There was no changing plans last minute because Darcy needed to go to the dentist office before eating ice cream. Like NO! Plans were plans. Boundaries were boundaries.
And that’s where I become frustrated.
When does something just simply end now a days? It doesn’t! When you say you’re done with someone, you should be able to have that freedom of walking away and never hearing from them again. It’s a god given right you should gain after going through a tough heart break. It’s the least you deserve. Some peace and quiet.
And well, if you do see them (at the grocery store or park) then sure, that coincidence is a coincidence or maybe that’s a sign. But a text? A missed call? FaceTime?
I mean hello? I can’t get enough.
This freedom of having a cell phone and social media to connect with everyone 24/7 is actually not a freedom at all sometimes. Sometimes I just wanna shut that world out and be like ENOUGH. This is my space my life my time my boundaries. Can the people who I want to keep OUT of my life just stay the fuck out? Or should it be legal to have them creep in so easily?
A push of a button for god sake can turn into the biggest mistake of your life!
EXAMPLE: You see a missed call from you ex. (Mind you, it’s 2 AM and he wants it now) You call. You meet up. You hook up. Next morning comes, you pee on a stick. And BAM fuck boo yeah, you’re pregnant with your ex boyfriends baby.
Yikes and wowza, am I right?
…Okay a little dramatic might I say. But I am being serious here. It can honestly be like that now a days. Or at least it is for me. (Besides the baby part)
People tell me to be stronger than that. To look the other way when he texts you. To not respond. To delete the texts. Blah Blah. But honestly, no! I don’t want to have to delete your texts. When I say I want you out of my life the first time, I mean it. Stop trying to win me back over and over again because you’re persuasive “hard working” little thumb got me again this time. NO. Enough is enough.
So again, going back to the question of is it okay to block people.
I believe YES. Yes, it is.
Call me dramatic, but I don’t really care. Once you decide you want them out of your life for good, get them the fuck out of there. Don’t give them the access to getting into your life so easy. You don't owe them anything. If they really sincerely truly need you (aka if they're on their dying bed) then trust me, YOU WILL KNOW.
And if you don’t find out and he dies and it gets sad and stuff… well then, thats how you know that fate truly didn’t want that person in your life. Right? Right. I mean I think so at least.