Last weekend was one of the first weekends in a while where I felt completely content and at ease. This sounds incredibly over dramatic, which I guess it can be considered that. However, I always feel that my to-do list is never-ending (queue my dad "welcome to being an adult"). It was nice, for the first time in a while, to feel like everything was checked off (it really wasn't, because I just shifted half of my list to the following weekend, but close enough).
Like I said before, I felt genuinely happy and content. Well, two days later, the election results were announced. If you know me at all, you know I absolutely hate politics.
(Queue quote: "If Trump wins the election, I'm leaving the country, if Hillary wins the election, I'm leaving the country. This isn't a political post, I just want to travel).
If people talk about it, I leave the room. If people discuss politics in the car, I blast music through my headphones to the point where I can probably burst my eardrums. I cannot stand anything political. I rarely openly express my political opinion, mainly because I believe it should be private.
This doesn't mean I am ignorant or uneducated, and this does not mean that I do not support certain causes, groups, etc. I just believe that you do not have to constantly post your beliefs or your good deeds online. I think it is more humbling to know you did it in your heart. Yes, I understand wanting to bring awareness to certain topics or issues or groups, as I have done this before. However, it isn't a necessity to always post, and some treat it that way. Yes, now that I am old enough to vote, I pay attention to it, and I research and educate myself so I can make the best decision I can. Yes, I will have a civil discussion with you (but give me time to mentally prepare). Yes, everyone has the right to their opinion, and the right to express it, and if you want to express it, go for it, but just because I do not want to constantly publicly express mine, does not mean I am wrong.
My biggest issue with politics though, is I view it as constant arguments, filled with consistent negativity. The past months, television, social media, etc., have been flooded with political advertisements and opinions. It has been overwhelming. Every other post, every other commercial has been political. It is understandable. However, when I see only one post within months that is slightly positive, or at least civil, it makes me sick.
Like I said before, everyone has a right to their opinion, everyone has a right to discuss it, but have respect for each other. Not everyone in the world is going to agree with you, that is what makes us all human, and makes us all unique. We aren't robots programmed to believe the exact same things. This gives us the opportunity to discuss and grow, which is wonderful. Yet, we aren't approaching it in the right way. Instead of having respect and attempting to understand others' opinions, or have a civil conversation about the election, election results, or general issues, everyone attacks each other. "You're wrong because of this, you're such an idiot, some even as severe as 'if you voted this way, go kill yourself.'" What? Degrading and disrespecting a person because they don't agree with you is wrong. Again, no one is going to be exactly like you, and/or agree with you completely, or at all. Listen, think before you speak, and give one another respect. I promise, you'll be happier and it gives everyone the opportunity to grow.
Wednesday night, I was overwhelmed. Every time I went on social media, there were arguments, assumptions and negative or extremely disrespectful posts.
If I'm being honest, I basically said screw it. Time to take a break from blue. Goodbye, social media.
I posted a quote on Instagram, deleted my Twitter application from my phone, and logged out of my Instagram account.
(Disclaimer: I still am checking my Facebook notifications (solely for two private groups), my CHAARG Instagram, and my Snapchat. I have to check my Facebook notifications a couple times throughout the day because my co-workers and managers use our group to communicate about schedules, request-off, etc. Two, I refuse to disconnect from anything CHAARG related because A. we're in the middle of a fit plan, and B. CHAARG radiates positive vibes, always. Lastly, Snapchat is literally the only way I can communicate with my bestfriend while we're away at school so there is absolutely no way that will stop).
So, if you read my disclaimer, I am not completely disconnected (but they're pretty legitimate reasons). However if I'm being honest, it feels like I am. Social media is weird. It makes you feel connected, but it completely disconnects you from the real world. Since beginning my break, I have not felt down. Before I impulse deleted almost everything, reading through social media gave me a headache, and made me sick to my stomach thinking about the world we live in. I have only been on a break for a few days, but already, I feel more connected with those around me, and I definitely have been dedicating myself more to each activity I do. And man, the amount of extra time I have now! (This to-do list is about to be completely checked off).
We depend so much on social media in today's day in age - whether we're young or we're older. Even if you are not in a position to completely disconnect (ie: work reasons), I highly suggest that you try to disconnect from as much as you possibly can.
In all honesty, I have no idea when I will be back.
I will leave you with two quotes that have touched my heart in the past few days.
"Lets root for each other and watch each other grow." - Unknown
"Focus with positive energy and the negative doesn't consume you." - Unknown