2020 is right around the corner--literally right there. So few days! You can almost taste the next decade as it rises in its oily loaf pan. Every New Year brings new opportunities to change who you are, and this year you can be any bread you want to be.
Do you want to be cultured in 2020? Try being more like sourdough bread. Stay away from the main stream scene, and hide in a small, dark, cold spaces to ferment and think about who you are. Sourdough bread is easier to digest than regular bread, so this New Year work on being more agreeable.
Who wants to taste like rye bread? Rye bread does! Work on opening yourself up this year, and allow yourself to become more vulnerable with your friends and strangers. Rye bread has deep and rich flavor. In 2020, try attending events and group meetings of things that you thought you would never like. Poetry class? The Marine Corp? Helping the elderly? Anything will feel rye in 2020.
Wheat bread is full of nuts and seeds, and not a lot of people like that. This year work on not worrying about what others think. Do things that you've been too worried of judgement to try. Take a hike! Swim in a pond, or maybe even donate to one of Leonardo DiCaprio's pro-earth organizations. Be you!
People don't think of artisan bread as just bread, they think of it as a carby representation of who they want to be. In 2020, maybe go WITH the grain and conform to pressures of who you should be . Does your mother nag you about wearing fitted jeans? Maybe give a bootcut a try! Do all of your friends farm marijuana? Buy a plot of land! Artisanal bread fits in a pan, and so can you!