Have you ever been in a class or a meeting with someone and they throw out the most overused disrespected line known to man that goes something along the lines of, "this is a safe space, you can say anything." Which ultimately prompts you to let out everything you have been holding in only to have them turn your words against you or pass that information on to some third party affiliate that has no reason in knowing what you shared.
For some reason in today's world many people are accustomed to having and creating a "safe place" for those in their presence. Perhaps it's comforting letting others know that you have the magical power to create this ideal place for anything to be shared, or in the same sense it can also be seen as one of the biggest power-trips allowing others to have a false sense of security with you.
Whatever the motives are the main point is this; no space is safe when you have no control over the people involved,
No person can give you the permission to share what is on your mind; the action of choosing to let words flow freely from your mouth comes directly from yourself.
Considering you have no control over anyone except yourself, it's time to realize that there will be no such thing as a safe space. However, there constantly remains a brave space.
A brave space is a place that allows you to speak freely, not because someone gave you permission to but because you made the decision to be vulnerable and put yourself and your opinions out there for people to hear.
A brave space is a place that you create and have control of.
A brave space can be you opening up to a friend, looking at yourself in the mirror for the first time and refusing to have negative thoughts, or learning to become comfortable with being alone.
In all truthfulness it can be anything, but the key part is that it is anything that you desire.
Not one person can fully promise you that somewhere, something, or someone is safe. Making the decision to believe them is not easy, it is brave.
And we all have the opportunity to be brave every single day, which many people look past.
The next time you speak your mind, remember that you are brave.
When someone urges you to confide in them and you can't bring yourself to, know that you are brave to make that decision in saying no.
If you muster up the confidence to speak out on something, notice how brave you are.
Taking and being in control of your own life is brave, there is nothing safe about that. The time is now to create your own brave space, enjoy.