If there's one thing that most bra-wearing people can agree on, it's that shopping for bras is the worst thing. From getting fitted to trying them on to actually purchasing them, the process is a whirlwind of emotions, and it's kind of exhausting.
Recently, I've been re-watching several seasons of the hit TV show, "The Office". Since I have also gone shopping to spend some of that Christmas money I've received, I thought I would bring something I hate, bra shopping, together with something I love, "The Office." Here are the stages of bra shopping as told through "The Office".
1. Realizing you need to buy a new bra.
There is no worse feeling than realizing your favorite bra is on its last leg, or in this case, strap. You know that purchasing a new one is imminent, and that means you will have to start the entire bra shopping process, again.
2. Walking into the store and seeing the shelves and shelves of bras.
Why are there so many? Are there even breasts that fill out that 36 F? Why do only the small ones come in cute colors and patterns? What size am I again?
3. Getting measured by a stranger.
"It's just like I'm your doctor, it's no big deal." Nope. Don't like that. Also please warm your hands, just a little bit.
4. Trying on a bra that you don't think will fit.
This looks way too small. There's no way I can clasp this. Why do they make bras with three hooks? JUST FIT MY BODY.
5. Trying on one that actually does fit.
There's no way this will....Wait a second. Did I just clasp this all the way? Does it actually look good? I don't have quadboob? THIS IS A MIRACLE!
6. Trying on your fourth or fifth bra.
Why did I come here? How long have I been here? Is my back sweating? Make it stop.
7. When you decide to buy that one sexy push-up bra.
No Mom, I didn't buy it for anyone but me. I don't know where I'm gonna wear it, Mom. I just wanted it for myself. Okay?
8. Finally looking at the price tag.
Look, I have to wear this chest cage every day, why are you making it so expensive for me to purchase this chest cage? It's pretty, and I want it, but I don't want to drop $50 on a bra.
9. Finally leaving the store.
I am sweating. My back hurts. I have been in and out of fitting rooms. Let me out of here.
10. Coming home with your new bras.
Bra shopping is no easy task. But when you think of it like an episode of "The Office", maybe it's not so bad. Stay safe out there, those underwires can be dangerous.