It's all fun and games until your newest boo doesn't text you back. You're panicking wonder if you did something or how busy are they to not have responded to you. It's a shot to your pride when you are contemplating sending a double text, so you type a message and delete it, just to repeat the same process over.
1. He is overwhelmed with school
School can be very stressful at times, and everyone processes that stress differently. He may be able to give you the attention you desire because his proprieties lie with his academics.
2. He is not interested and doesn’t know how to tell you
Communicating is important, but not all guys know how to. He does not want to hurt your feelings, so instead of telling you straight up he is not interested, he just doesn't give you any more of a reason to be interested in him.
3. Your last message was not response worthy
Whether it was a bad joke or a dying conversation, he did not feel the need to respond. He did not feel like the conversation was worth continuing or that he could bring anymore excitement to it.
4. You are making assumptions about him
Don't make assumptions about a guy and push those assumptions upon him. If you want to grow with him, you can't believe everything you hear. Guys find it disrespectful when you take false information and try to use it against them.
5. He is busy
If he is apart of athletics, has a job or takes part in any extracurricular activities his amount of free time is very minimal. Scrolling through twitter feed or Instagram is a force of habit, but texting takes a little more energy he is not willing to use.
6. He is napping
Boys sleep. A lot. They stay up all night playing video games and get exhausted during the day. His phone is probably on Do Not Disturb while he takes a three hour nap, just to wake up and forget to take his phone off Do Not Disturb.
7. He has heard rumors
You have potentially done something in your past that he is not fond of and he would rather not continue talking to you. Whatever has been said, he believes it and does not see a point in continuing something with you.
8. Someone else is occupying his time
No girl wants to deal with the thought of her guy dealing with another woman, but there is always a chance. He may not be giving you attention because his attention is with another a girl. He trying to play both sides of the fence but cannot equally give you you both all his time. You just so happen to be the girl that receives the lesser of his time.
9. Playing video games
You know it. I know it. We all know it. Guys are addicted to the controller. Whether it be Fortnite or 2K, they are always some how online gaming. They game for hours and do not want to take a break to text you back.
10. He forgot
Boring, but true. Once he forgets to reply he probably won't reply period. Once forgotten, they typically feel like there is no point and it is just too late to say something back. If you see him in person, don't take it personal, make a funny joke out of it and forget it ever happened.
Now you no longer have to wonder why he hasn't texted you back. There are so many reasons why guys don't respond or even text back hours later. You have to decide whether it is because of his schedule or if he is up to no good.