There's always a point in either elementary school or middle school where friends change. Sometimes it's simply because people change or you don't have classes together. But a common trend is losing friends because they are the opposite gender and young kids start getting teased. For example, my best friend growing up was a boy my age; let's call him Ben. Ben and I had the same birthday, so we pretended growing up we were twins. We sat on the bus together, had hundreds of playdates, and were inseparable during recess. Around the point of 5th grade, I remember he started drifting away. Eventually, young me asked him why he was mad at me. Before he could answer, I heard his friend "Tim" behind him singing the oh-so-classic "Payton and Ben sitting in a tree..." Near tears he ran away.
There is an age where some kids mature and some don't. The "mature" children realize what relationships are, but make the misconception of seeing them everywhere they go. That's okay, they're 10 years old. Where the real problem begins is when 16 and 17 year old still believe that when a boy and a girl talk, they "like-like" each other. Well here is my message to them: grow up.
I understand why some people say that boys and girls can't be friends, but it's not because of the friendship between them. The reason many boys and girls don't stay friends without feelings is the fact young people are impressionable. It's human nature and to hear what people think and start to ponder whether they could be right, especially in the insecure high school years. When people start asking “Do you like him/her?” “When are you two going to start dating?” “You LOVE him/her.” This brings questions to the minds of the potential couple, and they start to question themselves. This is what makes friendships end, but this stigma needs to end NOW.
Girls and boys not only can be friends, but they need to be friends. Maybe I'm speaking with bias, but 1/2 of my best friends are boys. When girls cut themselves off in middle school to having guy friends, it translates losing a lot of potential friend relationships. Guys offer support sometimes in ways that girls cannot. I am trying to stay away from stereotypes as much as possible so bear with me, but in my experience, guys tend to be much less dramatic than my gal pals. Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part, I feel much more comfortable talking about my problems with the men in my life. Maybe it’s because some are only listening half the time, or maybe it’s because they care enough to not spread the rumors.