After introducing my boyfriend to the world of "Twilight" it yielded some interesting and hilarious results.
1. He has found humor in quoting the most dramatic, cringe-worthy lines of the movie to me randomly.
"I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you."
2. *Every. Single. Time. Jacob comes on the screen* "Is he a wolf yet? He is a werewolf, right?! Has it happened yet? Also, is that a wig or his real hair?"
That's not until the next movie. And wig. Definitely wig.
3. *Bella's stepdad comes on screen who is supposed to be a professional baseball player* "Really?!? Are you kidding me? He is supposed to be a baseball player?! Does the casting director think we are dumb?"
I had never really looked too into this detail, but I was glad to see he was paying attention.
4. *When Edward stops the truck with his hand* "You've messed up now, Eddie. Clearly, a vamp if you can do that."
What would I have done without this commentary?
5. *Every. Single. Time. Bella is shown on camera* "Is she a vampire yet? Will she become one? Why does she look like she always has something sour in her mouth?"
6. *Every. Single. Time. Edward came on the screen* "Why does he look so miserable? Was he like forced to do this movie or something?"
7. "So these are like the real fake vampires?? They have different rules because they are real, but they are fake? Confused??"
Me too. Me too.
8. "Glitter?!? Are you serious?"
I honestly have no clue.
10. *When Bella's dad is cleaning the gun before he meets Edward* "I've got some real big news for you, Charlie. Your daughter is dating a vampire, and I don't think your gun is gonna do much against that glittery skin he has there."
Beautiful commentary.
11. "Confused?????????????????????????????????"