When I first met you I never would have guessed I would call you my boyfriend. Who would of thought that I would come to college and be graduating with the most amazing person by my side? I sure as heck didn't, but here we are, doing life together and I wouldn't have it any other way.
We have only been together for a short amount of time but I already have so much to thank you for. I appreciate you in more ways than one. I couldn't picture my days without you in them. Thank you for coming into my life when you did, you truly are one of a kind and i'm beyond thankful for you.
Thank you for being a gentleman. You never let me open up my own door, you take me on proper dates, you compliment me daily, you're just, hands down awesome.
Thank you for being the ultimate cuddle buddy. I truthfully have a much better sleep when I'm next to you. You never let me go in your sleep and it may just be one of the cutest things.
Thank you for loving my dog just as much as I do and for getting me attached to your animals as well. Although I will admit, I'm a little jealous my dog likes you more than he likes me.
Thank you for being the most patient person in the world, I know at times I may be the hardest person to be patient with, but you some how manage to do it with ease.
Thank you for being so protective. You are so good at keeping an eye on me in public when I wonder aimlessly and I give you props for that. Also, thank you for never letting me walk on the side closest to the street.
Thank you for being my dance partner everywhere we go. Because who doesn't want to see us do the dirty dancing lift?
Thank you for being supportive. You are always there when I need to talk. Normally about something completely stupid.
Thank you for always holding my hand. When we are walk, watching TV or driving. I know I always can find comfort in you.
Thank you for sharing a love for food with me. Netflix and pizza with you is by far one of my favorite things.
Thank you for keeping me on my toes. As much as I say I hate your surprises, I secretly love them.
Thank you for taking a million selfies with me until we get the right one.
Thank you for letting me take up half of the shelfs in your bathroom with hair products and some space in your closet for my clothes.
Most importantly thank you for showing me the true meaning of a "partner." I've never been so excited to spend every second of every day with a person. You truly have changed my life for the better.
Thank you for not only being my boyfriend, but, my best friend.
Love you the most,
Your Girlfriend