Dear Boyfriend,
With Valentine's Day coming up, I decided I needed to write something all sappy about you because even if you blush reading it, you deserve to be written about. I’m a big lover of love, as you very well know, and I really think it's because I'm lucky enough to have a guy like you in my life. I can be a lot to put up with, but you deal with my moodiness, stupid jokes and sarcasm like a champ! You don’t get nearly enough credit for all of your amazingness, and I need to use this to say thank you.
Thank you for making this distance bearable. When I see you, it's like nothing is different, and I know we're stronger because of this. Not seeing each other for months at a time is hard on the heart, but as I count down the days until I see you again, I know it’s all worth it.
Thank you for taking cute pictures with me.And then retaking them because I think I looked awkward or we just obviously need 10 different photos of us on a bridge. I know you don’t always want to, but you do anyways. From the ugly selfies to mini photo shoots at the park, I love seeing all the photos hung on my wall.
Thank you for thinking I look cute in sweatpants, a big t-shirt and messy hair. I know I don’t, but considering that’s often how I look, I really appreciate it!
Thank you for the lazy dates. I’m glad we both love movies and laying around on chilly days or nights. We’re really boring sometimes, but I just like to hang out with you so I don’t care.
Thank you for making my family adore you. Maybe you’re just charming anyways, but you easily became a part of my family. You hang out at my uncle and aunt’s with me on Friday nights, are basically best friends with my mom and crack jokes with my dad about your rival football teams. I could not be happier to bring home a guy like you.
Thank you for making me feel like a part of your family. I feel so at-home whenever I’m at your house, and I love your family as if they were my own.
Thank you for always supporting me.It’s so reassuring knowing I have you to cheer me on no matter what.
Thank you for being ambitious.Seeing you study constantly to achieve your dreams is so inspiring and motivates me to do the same.
Thank you for letting me rant to you.You’ve heard me complain about all my problems too many times to count, but thank you for listening to me anyway. Oh, and thank you for agreeing with me when I'm mad about stupid things, even when I'm irrational, but knowing when to tell me I'm overreacting.
Thank you for surprising me. Be it sweet dates, little presents or showing up at my dorm when I thought you were 300 miles away—you never cease to amaze me.
Thank you for singing in the car with me. I cannot thank you enough for this! You know how happy I get when I dance in the car, so it just excels when you laugh as I rap "Baby Got Back"or you belt out a Spanish song that I don't understand! But our duet of "Love is An Open Door" has to top them all.
Thank you for being honest with me.I trust you 100 percent, and your sincerity means so much to me.
Thank you for making me laugh and being silly with me.I’m glad we laugh at the same jokes and are just complete weirdoes around each other. No one makes me die with laughter like you do.
Thank you for loving me when I don't love myself. You’re there on my bad days to lift my spirits. You call me beautiful when I feel like a troll. And you make me feel way more amazing than I actually am.
Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on.You reassure me that my life is not actually falling apart like I think it is. I couldn’t count the number of times I’ve broken down in tears in front of you (because let’s face it, I get super emotional) and somehow, you make it better every single time.
Thank you for being my best friend.You just get me! It sure helped that we were friends for years before we began dating, and I’m glad we started off that way. I love living life with you and feel blessed every day to have you as my other half.
Thank you for making me fall in love with you. Your passion for helping others, chivalry and love of life never ceases to amaze me. You’re not afraid to be yourself and make me feel the same whenever I’m with you.
I could go on and on with the millions of ways you make my heart so happy. But just know that I love you and I'm so glad you're in my life.
With all my love,
Your Incredibly Grateful Girlfriend