Love conquers all.
It's a load of bullshit.
I know it sounds cynical but love doesn't conquer all and it certainly can't change a person completely.
We are taught growing up that things won't fail if you try really hard and love with all your heart. It's a rude awakening but love doesn't heal all wounds. Most people are raised on the fact that love is some crazy thing that transcends space, time, and life.
It doesn't. It won't. Stop betting on it. Love doesn't fix people and their problems. Love isn't some magical cure to relationship problems. No matter how much you wish it was enough.
I wish love got people to grow up or move forward. I wish love didn't fade. I wish with all my heart that I didn't have to let you go but in the end, we haven't moved forward. We haven't made that next step and despite my love for you, I have to let go before I never move forward again. Before I accept this life for myself and just...settle.
I'm not the settling type and you shouldn't either. BUt you are. You won't move out of a place that you hate. You also won't move forward into a place of happiness.
Sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes people grow apart or begin to move in different paths. Sometimes you waited too damn long for them to move forward.
It's not that you don't love them. You do but it's the idea that you want something more in your life and you aren't willing to settle or wait for someone to rescue you or support you. You can support yourself.
I'm new to this lesson and this feeling but it really is a painful inner conflict. Do you wait a little longer? Or do you move on and hope that they catch up to you one day? Or do you look to the future and never look back?
Honestly, I don't have an answer. All I know is that this is a common feeling that people in relationships struggle with.
What I do know is love won't be enough and that it's something you can't bet on.
So don't.