This is a parody to an article I saw a few days ago about a list of what this person's boyfriend "better not get her for Christmas." Sad to say, this article was simply atrocious. SO now, here is a better version of this article that I will now list here:
1. Bath & Body Works
I would love if my boyfriend gave me tons of Warm Vanilla Sugar for Christmas. It'll save me from going to Walmart every other month for some shower gel!
2. An Engagement Ring
I would probably fall on the ground with excitement as I know my man would have worked overtime to get me this ring because I appreciate what my man does for me.
3. A Promise Ring
Again, I would be so happy to show this to my friends and family because it would show that my boyfriend wants to take our relationship to the next level.
4. Any Sort Of Ring
Why would I be mad if my boyfriend got me jewelry? I mean, that would be the most thoughtful gift.
5. Lingerie
I don't have much of this, but hey, if that floats your boat, then buy me a set of lingerie. If my boyfriend wants me to feel comfortable with my body, then why would I be mad that he wants me to feel good about.
6. Any Kind Of Exercise Gear
Seriously? I don't understand why women think this is their man telling them they look fat. So what if you don't use it all the time? At least I can exercise when I have a sudden urge to.
7. Any Kind Of Clothing At All
Okay, if you don't want your boyfriend to get you clothes to put on your back for Christmas, then tell him specifically that you don't want clothes. It's not that hard to do. However, if you did ask for clothes, be grateful that he cares enough about you to get you some nice clothes so you can look nice.
8. Chocolate
Honestly, I'm not sure why this person would be mad if she got chocolate for Christmas. I mean, it's freaking chocolate. CHOC. O. LATE.
9. Anything that Can't Be Exchanged for Store Credit
Who uses store credit anymore? No one. Also, I would never exchange a gift that my man had worked so hard to get.
10. A Gift Card
Hey, sometimes your man just wants you to buy what you like. Maybe they didn't have enough time to go and get your gift from working overtime or they just don't know what to get you. A gift card is a nice gesture.
11. Something Handmade
They say it's the thought that counts.
12. Gloves
Okay, well I'm not sure why my man would wait until Christmas to give me gloves when it's cold outside, but still it's a gift nonetheless.
13. Fake Earrings
I don't usually wear earrings, but if I had pierced ears, I wouldn't care if they were fake or not.
14. A Picture
Wow! A beautiful picture that shows how much your think about our relationship!? What a wonderful gift!
15. A Watch
Again, this is still a wonderful gift.
16. Anything You Also Bought You Ex
Honestly, this number of the article doesn't make sense to me. What if I like the same things that your ex just so happened to like too? You're in a relationship with me, so if you don't have a problem with buying me something your ex also has, then feel free to buy it. Also, how would I know that you bought that same gift for your ex partner? It seems really stupid to not give me something I asked for.
17. Tiffany
18. A Book
That's very thoughtful of my man to get my favorite book to read.
19. Anything Sports Related
If my man like sports, then I will wear or use the same stuff that has the team's color on it so I can be supportive of his interests.
20. Socks
Seriously, why do people not like getting socks for Christmas? Do you just want cold feet for the winter?
21. Donation to Charity
How thoughtful of my man to think about others more than himself. Why would I be mad at that? He could have made someone's Christmas come true.
22. Stuffed Animals
You are never too old for stuffed animals.
23. Nothing
Okay, so here is the thing. I will not be mad if my man gets me nothing for Christmas. Wanna know why? Because at least he even showed up for Christmas. You do not know the situation your man is in. Your man could be feeling so bad for not getting you anything because he is in between jobs. Or the fact that there is family situation that prevented him from getting you a gift.
If you value your worth through luxuries then you will never be happy. Christmas is about being together with the ones that you love. It really does not matter about the gifts. Be happy with the things and the people you have in your life. You never know when it's gonna be someone's last Christmas.