To my boyfriend who's 500 miles away,
I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for trying to make a long distance relationship work. Thank you for reminding me constantly that college classes aren't the end of the world. And thank you for not giving up when we haven't seen each other for 2 months. I know sometimes long distance can seem almost pointless, but every time I see you it's like Christmas morning. I mean really when you think about it we kinda just extended Christmas.
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Speaking of Christmas! I'm about to be home for Christmas break, and that means I have a month to plague you with way to many pictures being taken. It also means you will probably be willing subjecting yourself to a ridiculous amount of weird Christmas themed couple activities, such as but not limited to: baking, Christmas pictures and a weekend trip to play in fake snow. Thank you for pretending to be just as excited about these as I am.
I always thought people were ridiculous for saying they were homesick for a person. I now completely understand that your home is where your heart is, and my heart definitely is with you. Thanks for dealing with way to many FaceTime sessions and calls on the phone when I'm upset.
You are absolutely incredible. I can't express to you how grateful I am and how excited I am to be in the same time zone again. I can't wait for more awkward pictures and a ton of amazing memories. I love you dude.
Your girlfriend who's about to be a heck of a lot closer