There are so many places that do not support Christians and everything they stand for. Here is a list of a few that will help you decide what to boycott this week.
1. Starbucks
Amber LeBlanc 2017
Starbucks supports the millennials and had to have sensitivity training because they don't know how to tell people no. They are, however, easy to hang out at for hours and you do not have to buy anything. They can't kick you out. They also make a good overpriced latte, but they are running low on the sugar-free options. It makes me wonder how they can ever compete with Dutch Bros, who is slowly taking over the West Coast.
2. Disney
Amber LeBlanc 2017
Disney owns half the world, and a number of news networks, including the View on ABC. The very show who has had people on it who promised they would move out of the country if Trump became President and have yet to do so. The problem is Disney probably has the best amusement park in the known world, and let's not forget, churros.
3. Nike
Amber LeBlanc 2017
The shoes are not the issue, it is who they choose to endorse the shoes. A black athlete who was raised by a white family, and has now made half of the US lose respect for him. Let us all light our shoes on fire. I am just wondering if Nike will reimburse me after I burn the shoes, because I still need shoes.
4. Restaurants
Amber LeBlanc 2018
All of them except Chick-Fil-A fall into this category. They serve alcohol, and alcohol is not allowed. The fast food restaurants, those are by no means nutritious and the body is God's temple. This does mean making food at home every night. It should be easy enough, except see #5.
5. Grocery Stores
Amber LeBlanc 2018
There is alcohol at grocery stores. They sell anything and everything and at some point they have probably supported a company that believes in stem cells. They also sell cigarettes which is not even a thing in the Bible. You may be able to get away with the wine, but there is too much evil in a grocery store to shop there.
6. Walmart one has a bit of everything, so it is much more than a grocery store. Their prices are so low, they probably have child labor somewhere overseas. If you have ever seen "The People of Walmart" you know that you enter at your own risk. Unless of course, you need to get some clothes for $3, love that clearance rack!
7. Facebook probably saw the link to this story on Facebook, maybe. Their algorithms are liberal. They hide all the news that Christians are really interested in. The other option is that you tend to click on inflammatory articles more than Christian ones, but that isn't possible so it must be Facebook's fault.
If you have gotten to this point, you may have realized that I boycott none of these places. I may not agree with every company out there, but if I boycott them all, I will end up living on a sheep farm in the mountains with no cell phone. The more attention given to companies, good or bad, is still attention. A true Christian follows their heart, not the crowd. As for me, I will be at Disneyland, sipping my Starbucks latte, wearing my Nikes.