To the boy who didn't give me a real chance,
Hello, it's me. Ha, just kidding, we don't talk anymore. Laugh out loud. I could speak with song lyrics for days. You definitely knew that and that I'm quite the entertainer, but I guess you'll have to miss out on me and my endless jokes. We're talking about your loss, not mine.
Before I comment on how much you're going to miss out on, I'd first like to congratulate you because you completely screwed with my heart. Here one day and gone the next. In my short 20 years of life, I've come to learn that I HATE guys like you. I will never understand why you continued to talk to me day after day, from dusk until dawn. I will never understand why you continually spent your time and energy on me. Your constant remarks of how you want to see me the moment we parted doesn't help either. Besides that, you gave me endless compliments and attention. Of course any girl would fall for that. You pretty much played every trick in the book to win me over and yet after you won my heart, you left. How could you blatantly stop talking to the girl you've been actively swooning? See, this is the question I end up asking myself. My thoughts wander even more to questions like, Am I annoying? Am I boring? and Am I not good enough? I keep thinking, overthinking. What's wrong with me? Maybe there's another girl? Completely shattered by the fact that I will never know what your actual intentions were, I admire you for how well you play the game. We live in this new generation where "talking" falls very short from "dating". Then again, everyone has a different view on relationships nowadays that people are hardly ever on the same page. So who knows. I thought we were almost exclusive while your mind was probably somewhere else. I loved every bit of attention you gave me, but if you can play that game, I can play it too. You didn't completely destroy me.
Finally, I realized that I'm not going to waste my energy on someone like you. I'm a strong, independent woman. And back to my initial statement, you didn't screw with heart, you altogether screwed up. My cracked heart will heal but I'm irreplaceable. I told you my life story. You got to know me. From everything we were, you could tell that I was down for you in so many ways possible. But it's over now and someday I'll be able to give my heart to someone that will appreciate it. I know my worth and you're not worth my time. All you are is a f**kboy. You may think you're tough shit now, leading girls on and pulling strings to get what you want, but karma will get you. One day you'll find a girl of your dreams and she'll give you a run for your money. You'll wonder why she never gave you a real chance. You'll wonder about what happened, what changed. And the thing is, you will never know. So I'm incredibly glad you didn't give me that chance that I wanted so badly. As bad as I wanted you, you didn't deserve the chance to see how awesome I could be.
Best Wishes,
Misty Phommatheth
P.S. Watch your back.
P.P.S Don't play a game with a girl that can play better.