Location decided, flights booked and her passport has arrived in the mail. It's official! Your girl is going to study abroad! She's made the brave decision to go overseas and challenge herself in a new way by immersing herself in a new culture with new people.
Studying abroad comes with a renewed sense of opportunity. A new life waits on the other side of her passport. Excitement stirs in her heart and readiness for a total life change.
Naturally, this is a big shift in both parties' lives and may cause great anxiety to be apart. Studying abroad has a reputation of damaging or causing failure in relationships. Long periods of time without seeing each other causes problems in areas like lack of communication and faithfulness, especially when your significant other is half way across the world.
This ones for the boyfriends out there dating a girl who is studying abroad despite the circumstances.
Thank you for building a solid foundation of trust to base your relationship off of. Trust is key when you're a thousand plus miles away. Thank you for trusting her in knowing that she will make good decisions while she's away from you. Thank you for remaining faithful while she's away.
Thank you fighting for her, for not giving up when it's the easier option to do. For sticking through the frustrating failed FaceTime calls, the days going without hearing from her and the lonely and empty nights. Thanks for clearly communicating your feelings. Telling her you're thinking of her, that you miss her, that you love her. She's experiencing the same feelings and finds deep comfort in you and your meaningful words.
Thank you for listening to her endless stories. While she's traveling around the world, continue to remain patient with her. She's embarking on a life changing experience. Though you may feel put on the back burner, you aren't. She's doing the best she can with the situation she's given. She lives in the moment, and takes advantage of every opportunity. But not a moment goes by where she isn't thinking about you and wishes you were by her side.
Thank you for supporting her and loving her regardless of the distance. For being her biggest fan and someone comfortable she can always run to. You help her more than you know. Thank you for choosing her everyday.
Though she may not show gratitude often, she's thankful for you, your efforts and most importantly your selfless heart.
Use her studying abroad as an opportunity to strengthen and to challenge your relationship. When she returns home you'll be strong as ever and appreciate each other that much more!
Thank you to my boy, Tobias who does all these wonderful things for me while I'm away studying abroad in Ecuador. Thanks for being my muse and the best I've ever had