If you’re a packaged water connoisseur like myself, you know that a good brand of store bought H2O is hard to find. In a world where clean drinking water is so abundant and accessible to everyone, it’s easy to get tired of plain plastic bottles. For years, us humans have been looking for a way to fulfill our basic survival needs in a trendy and fashionable manner. New and improved Boxed Water, or water that is sold in a box, is the market’s answer to a society who is bored with conventional drinking water…It’s about time! The “Boxed Water Is Better” brand holds true to its name, as it is unquestionably the most attractive and popular water brand in developed countries today.
Most people have likely discovered ‘Boxed Water is Better’ through social media platforms such as Instagram or Tumblr. This is because its picturesque nature makes it the perfect addition to photos that capture everyday life.
Examples are shown below:
1. Adding a modern twist to the nostalgia of drinking water whilst being outside.
2. Shoe, book, water, purse. Objects placed together are a great addition to any aesthetic blog; especially when boxed water is involved.
As you can see, Boxed Water is a great prop for situational photos; however, that’s not the only thing that makes it really rad. Its presence in popular culture is the reason why Boxed Water is by far the coolest and dopest product of 2016.
Kendall Jenner drinks boxed water. Gigi Hadid drinks boxed water. Heck, even Barack Obama occasionally indulges in a good carton of H2O! In this lies a very important message: we must remember in the midst of our mundane lives how blessed we are to be able to access an item that is used by so many celebrities. It teaches us that we’re not all so different, and the middle class and upper one percent alike should be able to enjoy earth’s most precious resource.
President Barack Obama enjoying some ‘Boxed Water is Better’ in the oval office.
With its profound message and chic appearance, Boxed Water has made its way into popular culture and is here to stay. Who knows, maybe this will open doors for water distribution as a whole! Though we can’t fix the California drought, or give people in poverty-stricken countries clean drinking water, the least we can do is find new ways to commodify a resource that we so often take for granted. It may seem a bit silly that we value the modishness of something that is so necessary for survival; but believe me, nothing adds richness to life like looking trendy.