All bowlers know that with every bowling tournament comes a multitude of different emotions. Although they are not always expressed, we all think them at one point or another.
What better way to portray these emotions than through spongebob gifs? The list includes, but is not limited to the following 10 gifs:
1. Walking in as strangers stare at you.
Typically, you just keep your eyes straight ahead of you or make equally as awkward of eye contact with every stranger looking at you. This is the most intense silent judging you experience in all of your life.
2. When the lane you drew is 20 lanes away from the one person you know/a teammate.
Murphy's law.
3. Seeing someone putting 500 grit on every ball in their bag.
This just makes you cringe indefinitely.
4. Thinking you misplaced/lost your thumb insert, tape, or shoe soles and having a momentary heart attack while getting ready.
Nothing makes my blood pressure sky rocket quite as much of the idea of leaving my favorite thumb insert at home, or running out of tape.
5. Feeling like this when you're shooting spare after spare, grinding through it.
No explanation needed.
6. Using different hand positions and speeds to try and make a ball work (before you realize it's probably time to ball change)
"This ball has to work"
7. Then, ball switching and having it work perfectly.
"Thank you, IQ Tour."
Let's be real, you probably switched to the IQ Tour, and it worked.
8. Missing an easy spare after a string of strikes.
We all miss a spare, and this is how it feels inside when we do. Especially a single pin.
9. By game 7, your thumbs feeling something like this.
Starting out with five pieces of tape in the ball and taking out what feels like a piece every game.
10. Eventually winning and walking out with scholarship points or prize money.
Same Spongebob, same.
The humor provided by spongebob is unmatched, and what's better then applying it to bowling? I hope my bowling friends and family find this as funny as I did when thinking of ideas, and looking through all of the various spongebob gifs.