Let’s talk about poop. I know not the funnest subject, but for individuals diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, otherwise known as IBD, poop and other substances that are secreted from the bottom half of the human body, are a well known topic of discussion. Inflammatory bowel disease, or better known as IBD, is a chronic disease that causes inflammation within the organs in the digestive system, such as the small intestine and the colon. Ulcerative Colitis, or better known as UC, and Crohn’s Disease are two of the most common Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Crohn's disease affects the entire digestive system, while Ulcerative Colitis only affects the small intestine, the colon, the rectum, and the anus.
So what exactly does this all mean? Individuals who are diagnosed with IBD tend to have abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea, mucus in their secretion, fever, and weight loss. Victims of IBD have higher impulses to use the restroom, and less control in controlling when and where they have to go. Other symptoms are bloody rectums, constipation, less of an appetite and in extreme cases, anemia. Given these symptoms, this disease is not only embarrassing, but kept very private by its victims, and there are very few solutions (steroids, medication, and surgeries) to this lifelong quagmire.
However, in today’s day and age of social media, awareness about IBD has become more common and less embarrassing. IBD is classified under the category of autoimmune diseases, in which the body’s own immune system attacks parts of the digestive system. This means that this disease can be passed down through genetics, and at any age. This lifelong disease found mostly in individuals who are younger than 35, are shown little respect, sympathy, or understanding towards their condition due to a lack of knowledge on the subject.
On the other hand, large organizations, such as the CCFA (Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America) create anniversaries and national holidays to bring awareness to the various diseases. (Crohn’s and Colitis Week is December first through the seventh, and World IBD Day is May 19). The Foundation allows individuals who are interested in doing more, with the options of attending different local events or providing money towards continued research. It also provides victims to find a doctor, support group, and to become connected with other victims, activists, community outreaches. They also provide members with the option to have a GI Tracker, which tends to watching and monitoring the phases and differences their body goes through that might attest to their IBD.
Other local organizations and awareness programs such as “Go Free”, was created to increase individuals awareness about IBD while also allowing IBD students to use the private restroom in their school. “GO” Free meets with different school administrator’s to further extend their knowledge about IBD and to implement the “GO” Free Program in schools. Also, “GO” Free meets with Counseling Centers to provide information on how to Handle IBD through different diets, positive mentalities, and overall, a healthy lifestyle.
It is important for us as a society to become more aware of not only Inflammatory Bowel Disease but to all hindrances that individuals have to live with on a daily basis. If we can take the time to become more educated, more respectful, and sensitive, then victims of IBD and other autoimmune diseases would be able to talk freely about their everyday struggles, worries, and discomforts. Because lets face it, sometimes life can be a little poopy, especially for the 1.6 million of Americans diagnosed and the 700,000 new cases that will appear this year alone. Help victims in your community today “Go Free!”
For more information:
CCFA: http://www.ccfa.org
“Go Free”: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1000124078...
Instagram: @gofreeprogram
Email: gofreeprogram@gmail.com