So I'm sure by now everyone has already heard about Bowe Bergdahl, but just in case there are some people out there who haven't, he is the U.S. soldier who was held captive by the Taliban. He was recently traded for five terrorists who were in Guantanamo Bay in a negotiation that President Obama signed off on. Obama's main mission was to bring everyone home, and this man was considered a hero. This all sounds well and good, right? Wrong. This man is not a hero. This man is a deserter and a traitor, and he betrayed his men and his country.
Why aren't the true and harsh facts being told? Well, I have a theory on that. It's because Obama does not want to be made to look like a fool, and it's a little late for that.
When I first heard of Bowe Bergdahl being released by the Taliban, I was thrilled as any other proud American would be. Our last soldier is finally going to be coming home, and that could not be any more thrilling. Then, I thought of his family and friends and the unimaginable feelings they were having. As these feelings of excitement built, I couldn't help but look into it more, find out how long he was held captive and all the details regarding how he was being let go. The stories I found were disturbing. Bergdahl allegedly left his post one night and took with him a canteen of water, a flashlight, and a compass. No one particularly knew that he was leaving, although he did ask one of his superior officers if it would be "trouble" if he took his weapon with him. His superior replied, "Yes, that would be trouble." Considering he planned how he would be leaving, this is considered desertion.
Bergdahl abandoned his platoon and should not have been prasied as a hero. Before he was captured, he was considered AWOL, which is again, illegal. Had Bergdahl not left his post purposefully, he never would have been captured by the Taliban, and he would have never been the last man in Afghanistan. When his platoon realized he was missing during their roll call, they sent men into harm's way to search for him to assure his safety. In doing this, six men died.
Has the media stayed away from the sad truth that six brave soldiers gave their lives to uphold the oath that they all took in order to search and rescue a deserter? Those six men had families as well, and those families had to accept the unfortunate that is their sons upheld their oaths and that they believed in what this country stands for. They did not get labeled as heroes. Bergdahl, on the other hand, did. More evidence to further Bergdahl's mentality was not where it should be is when he wrote to his parents. He said, "I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting."
Let that sink in a moment. A soldier in the American army, who is fighting for our rights, freedoms and safety is calling this beautiful country a horror. He deserted in a time of war and was clearly sure of himself when he did it. That is punishable by death.
All of this aside, one of the most disturbing facts revolving around this entire story is that Obama negotiated with terrorists and did not even get the "okay" from Congress to do so. As the President of the United States, he is awarded significant power, that is undeniable. But when it comes to dealing with the national security of our great nation, there are checks and balances in place to stop travesties like this from happening. He abused his power, once again, and put a price on the life of an American. Five terrorists equal one American. Could that come back to haunt us?
Obama soiled the reputation of the United States by negotiating with terrorists, something that we say we will never do in order to free a deserter. Someone needs to get to the bottom of the real story and discover the real truth before singing the praises of a "hero" who costed brave and innocent men their lives. Please keep the six men who were killed while searching for Bergdahl in your thoughts and prayers, along with their families.