We all started the semester with high hopes and lofty goals, determined to succeed. "I'm actually going to read my textbooks this time," you promised yourself, "I'm not going to be lazy, and I'm going to work out every day and eat healthy." But, If you're anything like me, those textbooks more than likely sat on your desk collecting dust while you ate a piece of pizza (or maybe a whole pizza; I don't judge) in your bed and watched yet another episode of "Parks and Rec." Maybe too many of those late night Cook Out trips are preventing you from fitting into your shorts this summer, or you didn't finish your classes with the grades you wanted, or maybe you lost some friends. Whatever the issue may be, the semester just didn't go as you planned. It's OK, I get it. And, in an effort to help you and me both bounce back from a less than awesome semester, I have created an (all-most) full-proof, four-step guide to (hopefully) getting your life back together (because Lord knows I need help too).
1. Acknowledge and be proud of the fact that you made it through.
This semester might have beaten you to the ground, and things may have really sucked at times, but as Leslie Chow from "The Hangover" once asked: "But did you die?" No! You made it through this crappy semester. You (kinda) conquered, you overcame adversity, you finished that 15 page paper in one night and managed to get a B-. You're a rock star. Don't forget it. So, be proud of yourself for only having five nervous breakdowns this semester instead of 10. You made it.
2. Focus on the good times you had.
There's absolutely no way this semester was all bad. Those grades that weren't exactly up to par? They were probably because you were having a little too much fun with your friends. That 10 pound weight gain? It might be because you were treatin' yo self to McDonald's a few too many times, but you were lovin' it (I speak from experience). You can't change the things that happened, so laugh about the fun, crazy memories you have from this semester, because they were once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Or, if all else fails, just watch this really uncomfortable GIF of Ariana Grande dancing and you'll probably forget about the bad times anyway.
3. Reflect and get over it.
This what I have to remind myself the most. You gained some weight, but so what? You're fluffy and happy. You got a C in a class, but who cares? You lost some friends, but who needs them anyway? The past is in the past. Acknowledge the things you feel didn't go your way, let yourself be sad for five and a half minutes and then get over it. Take a lesson from Beyonce; flip your hair (maybe not like this though; I'd probably break my neck) and move on. Things can only go up from here!
4. Set some positive goals for next semester.
Next semester is a fresh start, where all your "ragrets" from the past semester don't exist anymore. Take this opportunity as your time to be fabulous. Come August, set some goals for yourself. "I'm not going to gain as much weight as last semester," tell yourself, "I'm gonna get more Bs than Cs." Reach for the stars. Make sure that it's a better semester than your last. You got this. I believe in you.
And if all else fails, just drown your sorrows in a pint of Ben and Jerry's. It's always worked for me.