In the past few years feminism and female empowerment have rapidly begun to steamroll its way into mainstream attention. With this, many women across the globe have begun to stand up and raise their voices to raise awareness of the various issues that plague our gender. One of the many concerns is the archaic stereotype that females have to fit into the mold of being passive, “lady-like”, and submissive. All of these ideas are not only outdated but do not even begin to properly encompass what today’s modern woman is capable of. For example, ever since I was old enough to speak I have been labeled as bossy. Many have often used this as an insult towards this specific trait of mine and personally I have never understood that. A female should never feel remorse about having strong mannerisms. So this is for all of you boss ladies out there, and five reasons why you should embrace your bossy nature.
1. Too pushy? You mean natural born leader
There is absolutely nothing wrong with knowing what you want and how you want it done, and when you are a boss female you have no issue with expressing this to anyone who asks. It takes a strong individual to enter themselves into a leadership position, for that person has to be confident in their decisions. This is where us bossy folk tend to shine. We jump right in there and get the job done quickly and efficiently with our strong managerial skills and natural business savvy.
2. Natural refusal to back down to injustices
As previously stated, bossy women illustrate little fear and bold opinions. Thus when this kind of female witnesses any form of injustice towards her or another being, she is quick to speak up, making sure her voice is heard. This kind of lady will stand up next to the oppressed, fighting for equality and fairness, and is exactly the type of person you'd want standing by your side.
3. Nonconformist
A bossy woman hardly ever feels compelled to try to fit into the molds of social norms. She is confident in her own ways and knows exactly who she is and what she stands for.
4. Will never wait around for validation
By being confident in who we are and what we want, settling for less is not an option. Bossy females refuse to back down and accept less than what they deserve. This can be applied to relationships, the office, and just everyday life. These women are not doormats and will make sure you know it.
5. We get shit done
We as bosses have zero time and tolerance for nonsense behavior. We have packed schedules and goals to achieve leaving no room for BS.
When someone labels me as bossy, I say thank you. I am proud to bear the trait of a strong female, and relish in the fact that I am a no nonsense person. By more and more women illustrating this characteristic, we as a gender are becoming closer to attaining equality. Be proud to be the woman who exudes no fear, and will never give less than 110%. And know this: you're not bossy, you're a boss.