18 Things You Know All TOO Well If You Were Born And Raised In Bloomsburg, PA | The Odyssey Online
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18 Things You Know All TOO Well If You Were Born And Raised In Bloomsburg, PA

The "Only Town in PA" is home to more than just the Fair.

18 Things You Know All TOO Well If You Were Born And Raised In Bloomsburg, PA
Wikipedia Commons

To the naked eye, Bloomsburg, PA may just look like any other country town in the middle of nowhere.

But the closer you look and for the people who not only live here but have grown up here, Bloomsburg is a special place to call home that has more to offer than its county fair every September.

1. If you want to stop at Dunkin' before work or school, you better get there early.

Everyone in the town of Bloomsburg decides to stop at Dunkin' Donuts whether on their way to school, work, or just to grab their caffeine for the day. No matter what brings you to Dunkin', if you want to get to where you want to be on time, you best account for the long drive-thru line and the even longer line inside.

2. Bloomin' is the home of the best bagels, no questions asked.

Whether their hot breakfast sandwiches are the cure to your dragging Saturday morning or you prefer the cream cheese loaded onto your toasted bagel, nothing beats the taste of Bloomin'. Just trust us.

3. You either shop at Giant or Weis, but NEVER both.

Even though Giant and Weis are within a half mile distance from one another, you either shop at one or the other, but never both.

4. People only know about Bloomsburg because of the Fair or the University.

If it weren't for the Bloomsburg Fair that brings in crowds up to 100,000 or PA's famous Bloomsburg University, it would be almost impossible for someone to find us on the map. Other than these two recognizable landmarks, we are just another country town in the middle of nowhere.

5. You look forward to "Fair Week" to come back as soon as it's over.

Too bad deep fried oreos, cheesecake on a stick, Bissinger's Apple and Peach Dumplings, Vince's Cheesesteaks, and Benton Apple Cider only make their way around Bloomsburg once a year. You bet that fair food is a delicacy in Bloomsburg and that the chilly September week every year is anticipated by all people in the 570. For all surrounding high schools, the week off known as "Fair Week" is the deserved break after adjusting back into the fall semester after coming back from summer. For those who have off all week, plan ahead to stay at a friend's house closest to the fairgrounds because it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get into town.

6. Going shopping at a good mall is at least a half hour drive.

Although the Columbia Mall is Bloomsburg's finest mall, you wont find anything inside unless you are looking for some chocolate bars from Gertrude Hawk, 7 for $27 underwear at Victoria's Secret, or a decent sale at Bon-Ton. If you're on the hunt for some clothes, or anything else for that matter, a good mall, exotic restaurants and a Target (most importantly) is a little way away.

7. The Monday after Thanksgiving is a national holiday.

Two words: buck season. The Monday after Thanksgiving in Bloomsburg is a sacred holiday where almost everyone goes out and tries to find the biggest buck. Apparently in the "real world," this day is not recognized so enjoy it while it lasts.

8. You take one of two sides: Bloom or Central.

Growing up in Bloomsburg means that you went to school in one of two places: Bloomsburg or Central Columbia. Even though we call the same town home, the Bloom/Central rivalry is an unimaginable ongoing battle to be the rulers of the town. The prize for the winning football team? The student section storms the field and has bragging rights for the year, until the next fall.

9. Trips to Knoebel's are frequent, whether it be for a day with friends or their comfort food.

Only a 20 minute trip away is the hidden gem Knoebels - America's largest free admission amusement park. Home to the Phoneix and Twister coatsers, a summer day is well spent enjoying Dippin' Dots, cheese fries, and Old Mill ice cream while walking around and trading your tickets for rides on the old fashioned carousel and the newly added thrill rides. Word to the wise: hoard all of your old tickets; you will need them one day.

10. There's not much to do in the winter time besides see a movie at the local theater.

Although Bloomsburg seems to be a town that never has a dull moment, when winter settles in everything quiets down. Although there are pools, mini golf courses, and parks to keep everyone occupied in the warm months, the only thought winter activity is to see a movie at the ever-changing Cinema Center (then Digiplex, then Carmike, now AMC). Even though the name is always changing, nothing beats the tasty popcorn and friendly faces at the movie theater that make the dreaded chill of the winter fade away for a few hours.

12. The Susquehanna River gives you anxiety as soon as it starts to rain.

Every time torrential rain is called for in Bloom, all eyes go to Fishing Creek and the river. For the townies of Bloomsburg, the word "flood" is something we all know all too well. Although the floods of 2006 and 2011 literally tore the town to shreds after record rain, we always come together as a community to rebuild from the bottom again. Nothing speaks to the community of Bloomsburg more than the friendliness and assistance in stressful times when the river knocks everything in its path.

13. You want pizza? We got it.

Tri Pi, Naps, OIP, Papa John's, Frank's, Pizza Hut, Domino's... you name it, we got it. And we ALL can admit to having a personal favorite (Naps).

14. Applebee's is the place to go after every event of any kind, especially after 9 PM.

Whether it be after a Bloom/Central basketball or football game (or after any high school game for that matter), or after graduation, a party, or you're just bored on any night of the week, the home of the Half-Price Apps is the place to be - and you bet that it will be packed.

15. Everyone loves their country music.

Living in Bloomsburg means that it is extremely rare to find anyone that doesn't have a very distinct taste in country music. Summer country concerts at Montage are frequent and country car jams with the windows rolled down can be found everywhere you look during warm weather.

16. Ice cream is always a good idea when Rosie the Cow is outside.

No matter what the temperature is outside - summer and 90 degrees or the final week before Thanksgiving, the homemade ice cream from Brennan's Big Chill is the best in Bloomsburg. With over 200 constantly rotating flavors, you can always find a new favorite. For the brave and hungry souls, you can even tackle the notorious "Big Chill:" 8 heaping scoops of ice cream, 4 toppings, whipped cream and a cherry to top it off.

17. The perfect backdrop to all your milestone photos is the fountain downtown.

Pictures at the fountain downtown for all local proms, homecomings, even the occasional wedding, has become such a tried and true tradition that police even shut down the street to accommodate for capturing the special moment.

18. No matter what, you always know that the 570 will be there for you to come home to.

Even though we always complain about Bloomsburg and its antics, the tiny town in PA is filled with landmarks with their own stories to tell as soon as you walk through the doors. It's a hidden gem in PA, and it will always have a little feeling of home as soon as you pass the sign that says "The Only Town in Pennsylvania."

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