Although winter break is a time of rejoice signifying a new year and no homework, it could be quite frustrating if you're from a small town. Towns like Springfield, NJ aren't exactly the most fun places to spend your month off from school. There really isn't much to do, so my friends and I find ourselves aimlessly driving around each night until we end up at Dunkin Donuts or Wendy's. It gets exhausting. (shoutout to Mel and her glitchy car)
I often spend my days with my family (something I see no issue with). However, even my parents are bored so we resort to renting movies on-demand. It's absolutely ridiculous. There seems to be nothing to satisfy this boredom! "Boredom" in itself is a motif that sweeps through each school break and it only gets worse and worse through the years. As other people move, get jobs, go back to school in other states, and go on vacation winter break continuously gets weary.
I wish there was something exciting to do. The thought of going to NYC is always so exhilarating and I often go multiple times on break, though going to the city once can drain your wallet. And there are only so many movies out in theaters that you can see (and why are ticket prices $12?)
Spontaneous vacations are a bust, too. Unless you've planned months ahead or it's a quick overnight in the city, there's not much you can do around a time that's full of hustle and bustle. I mean you could, but it'd be super expensive.
So here we are, resorting to driving around town continuously until our gas tanks empty. Winter break doesn't even allow us to lose our college pounds. The boredom food consumed adds to it. The late night half-priced apps, 4 for $4s, donuts, ice cream and coffee are all delicious.... but are we really eating it out of pure hunger?
I just wish towns like Springfield had something fun to do. I wish they had a downtown area or a place that people could go. Something cool like Van Gogh's Ear Cafe in Union, NJ. A place that is open late, and has a cool atmosphere with cool music that college kids can go to at late hours for food, coffee and a place to hangout. I wish more people would be around and have hangouts at their house so everyone could catch up and reconnect. I wish that me and my family could plan more fun day trips or weekend trips. I wish there were cooler places to explore and sightsee and take cool pictures of. Winter break goes by fast, but it moves at a snails pace when you're not occupying your time.
In lieu of my small town, at the end of the day, I probably wouldn't want to live anywhere else (at the moment) and regardless of how boring winter break may be, I usually do create some amazing memories with family and friends. I just wish there were more things to do!!!!