With August slowly coming to an end and the summer quickly closing up on us, we all are anxiously waiting to go back to school. Time to begin your same old boring routine of a Monday to Friday (or less, if you’re lucky) schedule and never ending workdays. But for some odd reason, I kind of prefer having that boring routine. Here’s why.
Having a routine ensures you that you always have something to do. Whether you enjoy it or not, there is never a day when you wake up and think, “What am I supposed to do today?”
It also is possible that you are more productive when you have a routine. This may not sound too convincing, but bear with me. Have you ever realized that when you are up and doing things, your mind is continuously coming up with other ideas and new goals you hope to achieve? Well, personally, I seem to accomplish more when I’m already up and in the process of doing something else.
Having no routine over a boring routine can likely lead to a lack of motivation and barren behavior. Engaging in your everyday routine will gradually increase your skills and tactics for executing your tasks. In essence, you will be more efficient with your work and lead yourself to greater success.
With routine comes certainty. With certainty comes confidence. And, as we all know and have heard before, with confidence comes success. When you are certain about what you do and know you are doing it effectively, you are rarely distracted by external factors. By maintaining distractions at a minimum, you can guarantee success at a maximum.
Having no routine can instill a counter intuitive aspect to your life. From my own experiences I realized that, by remaining unproductive, I always lacked motivation and positive intuition.
Having a routine can help you keep your priorities in check. You can always make sure to keep the important things first, leading to less procrastination, and, as you probably guessed it, greater success.
Having a routine can and will help you empower yourself while simultaneously maintaining a constructive and healthy lifestyle. I know that one might sound a little dim, but think about it. When you have a routine, you always make time for food, and maybe the gym. Sitting around and doing nothing all day, or completing tasks on an uncertain schedule, compels you to eat unhealthily, not eat at all, or eat perpetually because of boredom.
Essentially, we’re always going to assume that we would
rather have no routine than our old, boring routine, but it’s time to realize
that we could sometimes benefit from our routines. Remember, to remain
productive while never forgetting to contribute to your personal development.