Enjoy some of these productive, and some not so productive options of things to do while you are quarantining yourself.
1.Create A TikTok Account.
You could most defintely be spending an obnoxious amount of time on TikTik, such as yours truly.
2. Perfect Your Self-Care Rountine
I'll be the first to admit to slacking off on self-care, so know that I am also saying this to myself: FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD, GET YOUR SELF-CARE ROUTINE TOGETHER!
3. Read A Book
Also please pick up a book during this time and feed your mind. It's very important.
4. Get Your Body MovingÂ
It doesn't matter what you're doing as long as you're getting that body moving. Happy a dance party in your living room, start a new workout program, just get moving.
5. Spend Time Outside (If You Are Able To)
If you are able to go outside and soak up some sunshine, do it. I promise it will make your day 1000% better by putting you in a better mood.
6. JournalÂ
Writing down your thoughts or just expressing graditude daily has such a big impact on the mind and the lens with which you view the world around you.
7. Re-Organize Your House/Room
There's never been a better time to do that organizing that you have been complaining about for months.
8. Set Some New Goals For Yourself.
This is a perfect time to either set some goals or re-evalute goals that you might have made back in January and slipped on.
9. Make A List Of Shows You Would Like To Check Out
C'mon, we all have a list of shows that we keep saying we will check out and then we don't. This is the perfect time to sit down and do that.
10. Video Chat With Friends
Just because you can't leave your house, does not mean that you can't socialize with your friends. Schedule some video calls this week and watch how connecting improves your mood.
11. Create A Bomb New Playlist
Make something happy, that is going to make you grin ear from ear.
12. Start Meal Prepping
Go to Pinterest and find some things to meal prep.
13. Create And Stick To A Routine
Our bodies crave routine, and I know when I don't have that I feel like I am just blowing around in the wind. Establish it. Put it in your calendar on your phone.
14. Spend More Time In The Word
I haven't been as good about reading my devotionals as I would like to be, so here is me recommitting that to God, and you should too!
15. Break A Bad Habit
You know that habit that you have that you find really annoying and/or toxic? Break it. You now have plenty of time to do that.
The things above should offer a great start to curing your boredom.