The last seven weeks of the semester have finally arrived. Summer break is right around the corner. And while stress comes along with the impending doom of finals week, the last few weeks of the semester also have the final projects and assignments due, opening up a bunch of free time. So between all the things, here are ten things you can do to fill your time in the last seven weeks.
1. Work on your summer body
Classic, but these things take time. You can't get your summer body in a couple weeks. Begin your journey now, and in a healthy way. You'll have a bunch of free time to make it to the gym.
2. Donate your clothes
Every college student has a bunch of clothes they DO NOT need. Go through your drawers and closet in your room and donate to the local Goodwill or Plato's Closet. Trust me, there are plenty of college students who also need clothes.
3. Finish your assignments early
Just get all of the stress out of the way as soon as you possibly can. Try to get everything you can done. Then you have time to focus on studying for your final exams, which can cause a lot of people a lot of stress.
4. Explore your college town
A lot of people don't leave their college campus unless they are heading to the bars. Take time to maybe find a new coffee shop or small deli. Explore the small businesses in the area, and try to maybe interact with the people who have potentially been there MUCH longer than you in that area. You'll be surprised what you find.
5. Pick up a new hobby
Different programs on your college campus offer a lot of resources for free. Find something you new you want to learn. Rock climbing, painting, weight lifting, or an instrument. Start practicing, and dedicate yourself to it.
6. Explore campus
Chances are, you have had most of your classes in the same three buildings due to your major. Take a day to walk around, go into buildings, get lost a little. You might find a new study spot or a haunted place on campus the administration has been trying to hide from everyone. You never know.
7. Make friends with the people on your floor
Unless you are a first-year student, you most likely already have a set group of people you are friends with. Take the time to meet the people on your floor. Invite them out one night, and try to get to know them. If you live off campus, try to find out who your neighbors are. (it's always good to know who is calling the cops on you).
8. Make up for the lack of sleep you lost in the first half of the semester
Just sleep. That's all. Take the time to really rest and focus on yourself again.
9. Start a journal
All my friends always talk about how they "never have time to start a journal." In this free time, start it. Plan it out months in advance so that you don't have to worry about doing the outline very month. It will save the headaches, and you'll have started your journal.
10. Study somewhere you normally wouldn't
Maybe this is somewhere you just discovered, but find somewhere else to study. You'll never know who you might run into, what people you might see, and how much better you'll do in that class. A change in setting can be incredibly beneficial.