For the past two months since the beginning of the worst eczema outbreak of my life, I have been through many trials and experimentation. I have learned that the more baths I take, the drier my skin becomes (how counterintuitive…). I have also witnessed how downing coffee destroyed my sleeping pattern. By taking note of what worsened my skin and what didn’t, I made decisions that gradually improved not only my skin but also overall health. These are the decisions that have made my skin back to normal today.
Drink plenty of water.
The general rule is "drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day”, which was, in fact, recommended by my dermatologist as well. It is difficult for some to suddenly drink a lot of water at once, but try to drink one bottle of water in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Eat more colorful fruits and vegetables.
Again, recommended by my dermatologist, eating colorful fruits and vegetables results in taking in more antioxidants and vitamins. By replacing manufactured sweets and meat with fruits and vegetables, I prevented my skin from being further dried out.
Cut out coffee.
I used to be a coffee fanatic and drink coffee daily. Because of my skin, I now only drink it once a day or not at all. Not only did this prevent my hives from being chronic, but it also made me sleep and focus better.
Eat only fruits and yogurt at night.
Eating a heavy dinner made it easier for my stomach to digest, which is important because I easily get acid reflux. Acid reflux and eating too much fatty food makes my skin much more irritable.
Try to incorporate more walking.
Exercise is healthy for obvious reasons, but it is also good for skin care. Sweating clears the skin pores of toxins, oil, and other skin worsening things.
I know these steps are obvious and have been thrown to all of us numerous times, but it’s worth repeating again. After all, if it worked for my skin, it is guaranteed to work for you too.