I honestly can’t keep up with the Kardashians anymore. Like, literally, I just "kan’t." They have too much going on and they all look the same now, so I have a hard time telling them apart. But even without an active interest in their questionable lifestyle choices, they still end up poppin’ up in my newsfeed time and time again. Especially one little "kokonut" in particular; Kylie Jenner.
As a marketing major, I should probably be taking notes on the expert way she launched herself into the spotlight. From scandals regarding her love life to her rapid change in appearance, Kylie knows how to make the media go crazy. She went from being perhaps the least well known in the Kardash klan to a style icon.
But what really stands out to me is how much Kylie’s appearance influences young women today. I’ll admit I watch more makeup tutorials on YouTube than one really should, and a large portion of the videos deal with trends started by Kylie, or Miss Kim Kardashian herself -- thick, flawless eyebrows, heavy contouring, and of course overdrawn lips.
But Kylie didn’t just play with new makeup techniques; she went one step further and surgically altered her face.
From lip injections (the most noticeable change) to an alleged nose job, jaw shaving, eyebrow lift, and chin implant procedures, Kylie has done a lot to construct her pouty profile. Other plastic surgeons also speculate that she has had a breast augmentation surgery, as well as butt and hip implants.
Now, I’m not against plastic surgery. I think people should be free to do whatever makes them confident and happy. It’s her money. It’s her body. She can turn herself into the cat lady from "The Hunger Games" for all I care.
However, some of these trends are concerning because they do deal with permanent changes. Girls aren’t just trying out blue eye shadow or acid washed jeans. They are going under the knife for rather serious procedures at a very young age and making decisions that I think require more mature thought.
According to the Daily News, 64,000 teens get plastic surgery a year, often seeking “Jenner-esque” lips. This shows just how much influence stars like Kylie Jenner can have on highly impressionable youth.
If you take a gander at her Instagram page, which has an astounding 62 million followers, you will see that Kylie mostly focuses on her looks. It’s all about her outfits, her makeup, her body, her hair. While all of that is fabulous and fun to look at, I think it can give girls the wrong impression. We are taught to focus on the wrong things and put too much pressure on our appearance.
Instead we should focus on the more important aspects of our lives likes our education, relationships, and careers. Happiness and satisfaction will come when you find people that make you feel loved and take part in activities that give you a sense of purpose.
While it is perfectly okay to invest in your appearance and to want to feel attractive, no amount of makeup or procedure or “booty gains” will fill an empty soul. You can change who you are on the outside, but none of that matters if you don’t work on the inside, too.
Perhaps I’m a hypocrite as I sit here and type this article with my fake nails and spray tan. Who am I to tell you to love yourself the way you are when I’m on a constant journey to change myself, too? I think that’s part of what we’re all searching for in life -- peace with ourselves. Well, let me tell ya, friends, that journey doesn’t end with a new face or a better body. It only comes when you learn to love yourself, imperfections and all.
"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the essence of true beauty," – Steve Maraboli