As a bookstagrammer myself, I love combining my love for books, photography, and sharing my reviews and recommendations of my favorite books to others. You're probably wondering, "What the heck is 'bookstagram?' Is it even a word? Well, our community basically gave itself its own name! Bookstagram is tagged #bookstagram on many book-themed posts on Instagram, and it is the perfect place to post aesthetically-pleasing pictures of your favorite books, openly share your honest thoughts, and being part of a community of nerds and book lovers.
The best part about it for me is being a part of such a welcoming community. It's probably the most wholesome community you'll find on any social media platform. I've made so many friends from all over the world. I have made great friends with people who live in Pennsylvania, California, London, Italy, and even Argentina! It's so empowering to have the freedom to make meaningful connections with people over books, and the community is growing every day. It's actually huge!
For me personally, my favorite bookstagram accounts are run by people who genuinely care about books, openly express the importance of learning and reading, and make an effort to connect with people. On bookstagram, everyone should feel free to be themselves, all the quirks included! The aesthetic photos are a plus. Of course, it's nice to have photos that are pleasing to the eye, but it can be subjective. Your idea of a beautiful feed might be different than someone else's, but that's the beauty of bookstagram! I'm currently loving @bookish.burrow! She is the most genuine, authentic person I've ever met on bookstagram, as she openly talks about her struggles with IBS and the importance of getting rid of the stigma. Definitely follow her if you can!