Have you ever read a book and said to yourself "Wow this would make a great movie!"? Well, these are a few books that I have read that I know would make incredible movies if they are executed well.
1. "Pretenders" by Lisi Harrison
If you haven't read this book it's from five different points of view and each narrator connects with the other. It is set in a high school and is all about the high school drama that we all know and love. Each narrator is so different, but each one is so relatable in their own way. I believe seeing all of this drama ensue in the big screen would make all of my dreams come true.
2. "Looking for Alaska" by John GreenÂ
This quirky book fits the perfect John Green mold and just warms your heart while also brutally breaking it. They have tried to form some classic John Green books into movies such as "The Fault in our Stars" or "Paper Towns" and both were ok, but never just hit the mark. If they make Looking for Alaska into a movie I believe they will have a chance to redeem themselves and create something that YA lovers will cherish forever.
"Dorothy Must Die" by Danielle PaigeÂ
This dystopian twist on the classic "The Wizard of Oz" is absolutely stunning with its attention-grabbing plot line and incredible imagery. I don't want to give too much away but imagine like the end of the world mixed with the wizard of oz mixed with Kill Bill. It's so badass and even introduces new loveable characters that you will never forget. This movie would be such an action-packed thriller that I believe everyone would love.
In conclusion, these movies need to be made into movies right now.