5 Books You'll Kick Yourself For Not Reading | The Odyssey Online
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5 Books You'll Kick Yourself For Not Reading

Books you’ll hate yourself for not reading. A mixture of YA, romance and urban fantasy books you’ll regret you didn’t read sooner.

5 Books You'll Kick Yourself For Not Reading
Photo by Nemichandra Hombannavar on Unsplash

I’m in love with words. Words used fittingly have a way of pulling me in and leave me begging for more. When my husband and I first officially met (I’d had a small crush on him from afar before he knew me), we would text nonstop. Kevin would follow along with each literature reference I’d make and combat them with references of his own.

He was the first man I’d met that could follow along with my banter and bits and add in his own witty and clever remarks. Before we admitted we had feelings for each other I fell in love with our conversations. Nine years later, our conversations aren’t always witty, and our banter isn’t always flirty, but our words are always chosen wisely.

Speaking of wisely chosen words, nothing annoys me more than a poorly written book. As an aspiring author, I give all books, including self-published, a try. Yet, the multiple of poorly written published books astounds me, which brings me to this article. Enclosed is a list of well-written books with extricating plots, fully developed characters, and banter that’ll leave you laughing.

Incredible books you’ll kick yourself for not reading:

1. "Poison Princess" by Kresley Cole

This book was a shock to my system because I normally don’t read young adult. I was drawn in by the first page and read the entire book in 2 days. The normal teenage angst is present but the character development, plot and story arc are refreshingly original. Written by the incredible Kresley Cole, the story line spans across 4 additional books, each will leave you asking for more. Evie Green isn’t your typical teenage girl and living in her world isn’t for the faint of heart, luckily, she has Jack as her protector.

2. "Storm Born" by Richelle Mead

The book was another pleasant surprise. Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy books are by far her most popular, however, this little gem is very unrated-if you ask me. The story arc of this book stretches to 4 books and each book gives the reader exactly what they want: action, supernatural powers, great banter, and sex. Eugenie Markham is the Fae boogie man, but if they’re so afraid of her, why are they targeting her?

3. "Burn for Me" by Ilona Andrews

When it comes to banter, Ilona Andrews does it best. This book, like all of Ilona Andrews books, has an incredible mixture of action and romance. Nevada places her trust in the dangerous and sexy Connor in order to get her family out of a bind, but don’t let the cover fool you - Nevada definitely isn’t a damsel in distress.

4. "Charming the Highlander" by Janet Chapman

A great read for those seeking to broaden their book list. The first book in the Highlander series, “Charming the Highlander” is light on magic and heavy on romance. Each installment can be read as standalone books, but the story line does span multiple books and it’s more enjoyable to read them in order. Chapman delivers an original story full of laugh out loud and swoon-worthy moments.

5. "Halfway to the Grave" by Jeanine Frost

Jeaniene Frost delivers with this book! The opening scene was original and left me wondering what in the world Cat was up to. This book included everything I love; action, a flawed character with realistic character development, a growing romance with nicely delivered chemistry, and the supernatural! If you’re a lover of all things spooky like me, you’ll love this series.

Read these books - you’ll love me for it!

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