1. "Lincoln in the Bardo" by George Saunders. | The Odyssey Online
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After Rocking Around The Christmas Tree, Here Are 5 Books You Have To Read During Your Winter Break

We all know reading next to the Christmas tree is a vibe.

Paola Chaaya

Reading next to my Christmas tree is one of my favorite things to do over winter break. Even though none of the books I read have anything to do with the holiday season, it still manages to get me into the holiday spirit. It's relaxing and honestly, it's a vibe—it's story and VSCO worthy. If you're a bookworm and tired of the Christmas Carol, check out these 5 books that have nothing to do with Christmas, but are still an interesting read.

1. "Lincoln in the Bardo" by George Saunders.


So, "Lincoln in the Bardo" has very little to do with this Bill and Ted gif— it's a #1 "New York Times" bestseller. Despite the title, the novel isn't about Lincoln. George Saunder's Contemporary American novel has a crazy cool format that may seem annoying at first but actually helps the reader understand Saunder's concept of life, death, and the ~in between~. It's about humans' perception of life and how we manage to fudge it up. It's way existential. The novel also has very relevant social commentaries, so if you're trying to read more "recent, popular, hip" books, then read this one.

2. "Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. 


I will always recommend Stephen Chbosky's "Perks of Being a Wallflower." Chbosky's Young Adult novel made me want to be a writer. Whenever I read it, I feel all the feels, especially "infinite" (if you don't understand the significance of "infinite," do yourself a favor and download it right now). It's a quick read and the characters also celebrate Christmas at one point, so why not?

3. "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman.


I am currently in the process of reading this "New York Times"Bestseller and I. am. LOVING. it. If you've watched the show, read it. If you haven't watched the show, read it. This book is large so if you want to read a quality, thi(cc)k novel this winter break, check it out.

4. "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. 


You've most likely seen the movie, but the book is way better. The characters are alive, loving, and downright entertaining. The novel is powerful, and yes, at points it is heartbreaking, but it is an important read. It may seem like the plot is only relevant for the time period it takes place in, but its overall message transcends time. Kathryn Stockett's fiction novel, "The Help," will always remain relevant and is always an amazing read.

5. "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk.


A VERY DARK NOVEL TO READ AROUND CHRISTMAS BUT IT IS AMAZING. If you like books that make you stop and think, "what the hell" then this bad boy is for you. You've probably seen the movie, but the book is more of a psychological mind-screw. Yes, that is possible, and yes, you should read it next to a beautiful Christmas tree. Tis the season, am I right?

So while you're snuggled and drinking hot cocoa around the Christmas tree, pick up a book. Preferably, one of these books. They have nothing to do with Christmas, but they are truly spectacular.

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