Books, we all read them. But do we as ladies really take the time to pick out genres that speak to us and teach us lessons? That is the question I hope that you are able to answer by the end of this article. Enjoy!
1. Girl Wash Your Face By Rachel Hollis
Girl Wash Your Face is a Rachel Hollis take on how us women shouldn't be afraid to go out and chase our dreams no matter how long it takes us to get there. It's really inspiring to know that there are other ladies out there to cheer us on this race called life. I really enjoyed reading this book over the summer!
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2. #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso
Girl Boss takes you on the journey of Sophia Amoruso and how she is now a boss babe in society. The book dives deep into how she started from the bottom by herself and is now at the top which is why it got turned into a TV show. This story It'sproves that a woman can do anything that they put their minds too, even if it means creating an empire like Nasty Gal.
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3. Dumplin' By Julie Murphy
The main character in this book is a plus-sized girl who wants to inspire other girls by creating her own fashion line that will carry more plus sized items. She faces a lot of backlash and comments from others about her journey but she ignores it. She keeps her chin up and doesn't let anything get in her way throughout the novel. Dumplin' is truly an inspiring look on being independent as a woman.
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4. New Moon By Stephanie Meyer
New Moon in the Twilight series gets overlooked a little bit because as a reader you don't realize that Bella Swan is on her own journey for half of the book when Edward leaves. She has to deal with the struggles of everyday life without him, but she also finds that there is more to life than just a boy.
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5. The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood
This book has changed my outlook on how society lived in this book. Offred, the main handmaiden was the main focus of the book, but so was the other woman. They could not use their birth names throughout the novel, they had to go by their master of those that they served, so they really didn't have much control. This made them independent though because they were living a life where they had to be a certain way in society.
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6. Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Wild is a book that takes you on the journey with Cheryl as she walks eleven hundred miles of the West Coast of America in her own. This just goes to show that if Cheryl can something do this, so can you in life. It also shows no matter the struggles as a woman, you can get through it even if its tough.
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7. Hidden Figures By Margot Lee Shetterly
This book is about the true story of NASA's African-American female mathematicians who helped pave the way for America's space program. What a elevencool thing to witness as a woman while reading this book, it truly is inspiring and is a story that all woman can learn from even if they chose to pursue a different career path.
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8. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
It seemed like Elizabeth had everything put together with her life, but turns out it was not together at all. A divorce and a love affair after, she realizes that she needs to take some time for herself. She goes on a journey to find pleasure, devotion, and balance. She travels parts of the world and is able to discover her true happiness, which is what we as woman dream about doing at some point.
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9. Bridget Jones's Diary By Helen Fielding
This book is a twist on modern relationships but focuses on Bridget's life as a single, independent woman as she is trying to navigate everything in her life. Bridget wants to eventually have the relationship with the white picket fence, but she is not too sure about what is going to come with being in a relationship. She has to discover more about what she would like in her life and has to make choices.
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10. Girl Interrupted By Susanna Kaysen
This book is a memoir that tells of 18-year-old Susanna Kaysen's battle with depression on the ward for teenage girls in a psychiatric hospital. She has to deal with her own battles as a teenager but also dealing with others around her that help complicates her story.
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11. The Duff by Kody Keplinger
You may know this book from the movie that it was made from, but the book is so much more. It truly dives into the real Bianka Piper and her friends. Bianka owns what she knows in her life and she isn't afraid to be herself, even if that means being different than the popular crowd. The Duff is inspiring for all women to read!
Find on Amazon for $8.89
12. You Are A Badass By Jen Sincero
You, yes you girl are a bad ass according to this book! You don't need anyone else telling you what you and can/cannot do in life. Your life and your choices are up to you to create. Others will want to follow what you are doing when you blaze your own trail and stand out from the crowd.
Find on Amazon for $9.59
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