It's finally summer time—which means we actually have time to read for pleasure and not have to worry whether or not we completed all our reading for class. Unless you're taking summer classes—I can't help you there. As a Christian, I'm constantly looking for books that stretch me in my faith, offer life-giving wisdom, and encourage personal growth. I've compiled a list of books that have been instrumental in my growth over the past couple of years, and I think they would be fantastic summer reads! Don't worry—most of these come in audiobook form if you don't love reading like myself.
1. "Love Does" by Bob Goff
This book is such a light-hearted, uplifting book that will most likely leave you smiling the whole time. Each chapter is a different story from his life, and after reading it you'll be convinced Bob Goff is the coolest guy to ever walk the face of this earth. In each of these stories, you see what can happen when we simply choose to be love to people and how practical and easy it can be.
2. "Everybody Always" by Bob Goff
This book is a follow up to "Love Does" and is yet another compilation of stories from Bob's super adventurous life. This time, He takes it a step further and shows us what it looks like to love everybody, always—even our enemies. This one, while still light hearted, is a bit more convicting because loving every single person certainly isn't easy. But conviction is good.
3. "The Road Back To You" by Ian Cron & Suzanne Stabile
Where are all my enneagram people at?! If you haven't read this book yet, you need to grab a copy (or download the audio book) ASAP! This book is, in my opinion, the best way to understand the enneagram and how to apply it as a Christian. Each chapter represents a different number on the enneagram and they each begin with statements that describe that number. This book is helpful if you're not totally sure what your number is, and it's also helpful for understanding other numbers, which will come in handy in personal relationships.
4. "It's not Supposed to be this Way" by Lysa Terkeurst​
To be honest, I'm only about 10 pages into this book, but I already know it's going to be SO GOOD! Based on the summary, this book talks about how life doesn't often live up to our expectations and leaves us disappointed. Lysa offers the perspective that these disappointments might just be what we need to radically encounter God, and I'm excited to see how this message unfolds.
5. "Own Your Everyday" by Jordan Lee Dooley
Jordan Lee Dooley is a christian, but this book is applicable to any woman trying to overcome the pressures of the world. I listened to this whole book in a matter of 4 days because it's just that good! I highly recommend this book to all women, but especially those in a season of uncertainty and confusion about the future. This book has helped me be comfortable with where I am right now, and remain confident that the Lord has such a beautiful plan in the works.
I highly encourage each and every one of these books, as they have all been just what I needed in certain seasons of life. Don't waste any time, go out and grab a copy of one of these books and get started on your summer reading! Before we know it, we'll be back to the grind of school, so we might as well soak it up while we can. Cheers to personal growth!