Top 5 Books To Read While Traveling | The Odyssey Online
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Top 5 Books To Read While Traveling

There's nothing like a good read on your way to a festival...

Top 5 Books To Read While Traveling
Lex Morrigan

This year you may be flying on a plane to go see your favorite artist perform live. Or you're traveling to a different state, or maybe even a different country for an EDM festival. There are a few must-have travel items you'll need to carry with you on the plane. You'll need music, a comfy pillow, some good snacks and of course, a good read.

Here are my top 5 list of books to read on a plane:

1. The Science of Yoga by William J. Broad

This book is a great read for yoga nerds as well as new yogis who are interested in maintaining a safe practice at home and at the yoga studio. The author not only goes into the history of how yoga came be and how it's transformed over time; he also interviews scientists and doctors to explain the health and spiritual benefits of a yoga practice. And lastly, William J. Broad goes through the myths and facts about popular yoga poses, and help his readers understand the importance of having knowledge and awareness in their practice.

2. Who's Who in Mythology by Alexander S. Murray

This book is another informational read about ancient world mythology. The author introduces his readers to the history of Greek, Roman, German, Hindu and Egyptian mythology. This book is filled with stories and pictures featuring stories of creation, deities and gods from all over the world. If you enjoy movies like Hercules, you need to give this book a try and learn more about where he story comes from. This is another great book to read for yogis who want to learn more about Hinduism and where yoga comes from.

3. Voices of the Winds by Morgot Edmonds and Ella E. Clark

This is a wonderful book packed with Native American legends that are drawn from tribes like the Wasco, Cheyenne, Navajo, Cherokee and many others. Each tribe is introduced by a head note and drawings. With more than 130 Native American legends to choose from, you'll find yourself locked in the pages of these books. And speaking from experience, if you read this book before you go to sleep, you'll wake up with the most interesting and exciting dreams to reflect on. This book includes stories about animals, nature, how the world came to be, and about Gods. It is a very enticing read, to say the least.

4. Love Poems from God by Daniel Ladinsky

This book is for spiritual poetry lovers. Love Poems from God includes poetry by authors from both the east and the west. Featured poets include Rumi, Hafiz and St. Francis of Assisi. Not only does the reader have the chance to become enchanted by the loving words written by these poets, they also get the chance to get to know each poets backstory and what led them to write such beautiful poetry. With 12 poets to read about, I guarantee that this book will take away any flight anxiety you may have. It will also start and end your trip on a good note.

5. The Adult Coloring Book

While this book has no words, it will bring you just as much peace and happiness as the other four books stated above. With so many adult coloring books to choose from, you can grab some coloring pencils or markers and color in pictures of flowers, mandalas, animals, even Disney characters. Adult coloring books have been proven to relief stress and anxiety; which is perfect for travelers who have a fear of flying. Not only will coloring distract you from your fear, it will also leave you smiling at your finished product which you can keep for yourself, or give to a friend or loved one with a nice message on it. In a world that's so reliant on technology, a hand written letter can be a wonderful keepsake.

This is my top 5 list of books to carry with you while traveling to a festival or concert. If you think this list is missing something, leave a comment on what book you have to have with you while traveling.

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