When I flip through the worn pages, I am transported by the Hogwarts Express to the Great Hall at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am at my table with the rest of my Hufflepuff House, eating the delicious food that magically appeared on my plate. Chatter about the new school year fills the room until Dumbledore stands to make his welcome speech.
No matter how many times I read the Harry Potter books, I always am overwhelmed by feelings of excitement, fear, sadness, and joy. You’d think they would fade, especially because I know how it all ends. But the feelings never fade. This book has changed my life in the most fantastic way and it’s a shame that others haven’t gotten to experience such a beautiful thing.
It’s funny how when I see a tall, lanky ginger kid, I instantly think of Ron Weasley. I see a big black dog and add two additional heads to match Fluffy. When I see someone taller than 6”5’, I think of Hagrid. I see an elderly man with a long beard and am compelled to ask him for wisdom. When I found out that I needed glasses, I instantly chose the big rimmed black ones, to match the main character of my favorite series.
I go to a bookstore and always end up in the Harry Potter section, despite the fact I have all of the books already, including The Tales of Beedle and Bard and Quidditch Through the Ages. I already have a few POP figures of my favorite characters, a Gryffindor beanie, and the obvious Hogwarts School tee, which I wore when I got my college photo ID taken. I have plans for a Golden Snitch tattoo along with a clip of a classic Dumbledore quote.
This book has changed my perspective, opened my imagination, and led me to new friends. It’s amazing how many people on Twitter keep in touch with me just because I have a Harry Potter header. We remember the dates of the character’s birthdays, down to the date that Harry had his first detention with Umbridge. We share photos and revelations with each other like no other fandom has done before us. In a few years, the world will be littered with little Hermiones and Lunas, even a Neville or two.
This book is the reason I am an aspiring author. I would love to create something even a sliver as life-changing as J.K. Rowling did with this series. This book has given me wisdom in the form of old man quotes and confidence that I didn’t know I had.
Everyone needs a book to do to them what this book has done to me. I can only hope that others can be so lucky.